(NN]) (01/06/90)
I am interested in what publication quality plotting packages are being used out in the world, on what type of machines, and under what operating systems. Here at UNM in the EECE department, we end up writ- ing a new package or modifying an old one every few years because the new computers do not have the same graphics support as their predecessors. With all the new windowing systems based on X, there should be some com- pany that has a nice package that runs on a lot of different machine architectures. We have everything from Sun's to VAXen to HP's to RT's here and need something that can run on all of them. Is there any package out there that plots 2D and 3D data with a "nice" interactive environment. It should also allow the user to save the plotting environment for the next time they want to recreate the plot. It such a pain to have to make the plot perfect for publication, i.e. place labels, grids, etc., and not being able to save it for a later date. You know, in case where the paper was accepted :^), but they wanted a label changed :^(. We have a package that currently works great on our Sun's under SunView using SunCore, but it is rapidly becom- ing out of date and porting to X or XNeWs would take lots of time. We do not have a lot of money to spend, but any information would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance. john p.s. I would appreciate information on any graphics package, e.g. GKS, CORE, PHIGS, ..., that can run under X on the different machine types. John Salas Department of EECE University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 505-277-1082 NET-ADDRESS:
rivin@Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Igor Rivin) (01/07/90)
I am rather prejudiced, but Mathematica from Wolfram Research (Champaign, IL, phone 217-398-0700) may be what you need. It runs under just about every windowing system out there (MacOS, X, NeWS, SunView/SunTools, 4Sight, UIS, etc), and does a lot more than plotting. -- Igor Rivin Wolfram Research, Inc. rivin@Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU or