[comp.dsp] Digital Filter Design package

cdaata%taux01.nsc.com@nsc.nsc.com (02/08/90)


I am looking for a digital filter design package which allows the
user to specify the filter's group delay. I'd appreciate if someone
could point me to such software if it exists.

Thanks, David.

David Almagor,
National Semiconductor (IC) Ltd., P.O. Box 3007,
Herzliya B 46104, Israel.   Tel: 011-972-52-522255 
e-mail: cdaata%taux01.nsc.com@nsc.nsc.com

bill@videovax.tv.tek.com (William K. McFadden) (02/10/90)

In article <3274@taux01.UUCP> cdaata%taux01.nsc.com@nsc.nsc.com writes:
>I am looking for a digital filter design package which allows the
>user to specify the filter's group delay. I'd appreciate if someone
>could point me to such software if it exists.

Actually, they all do, in a sense.  If you implement a linear phase FIR filter
by direct convolution, the group delay will be I for a filter with 2I+1 taps.
Hence, if you want a group delay of 50 samples, then the filter should have 101
taps.  Every filter design program I've seen lets you specify the number of

You can convert the group delay to seconds by dividing by the sample rate.  For
example, with a 50 KHz sampling rate, a group delay of 50 samples would be
1 mS.

In an IIR flter, the group delay is nonlinear.  In this case you would only be
able to specify its value at a single frequency.  I don't know of any filter
design packages that do this, although many will plot group delay vs.
Bill McFadden    Tektronix, Inc.  P.O. Box 500  MS 58-639  Beaverton, OR  97077
bill@videovax.tv.tek.com,     {hplabs,uw-beaver,decvax}!tektronix!videovax!bill
Phone: (503) 627-6920       "The biggest difference between developing a missle
component and a toy is the 'cost constraint.'" -- John Anderson, Engineer, TI

cdaata@tasu81.UUCP (David Almagor) (02/11/90)

The point might have been missed in my short posting, but I obviously
meant that the designer will be able to specify a variable group delay
as a function of frequency (and not a fixed delay as in a linear-phase FIR).
If Anyone knows of such a package, please let me know by posting or e-mail.

Thanks, David.

David Almagor,
National Semiconductor (IC) Ltd., P.O. Box 3007,
Herzliya B 46104, Israel.   Tel: 011-972-52-522255 

dmcgrath@lennon.austek.oz (David Mcgrath) (02/12/90)

In article <3288@taux01.UUCP> you write:
>The point might have been missed in my short posting, but I obviously
>meant that the designer will be able to specify a variable group delay
>as a function of frequency (and not a fixed delay as in a linear-phase FIR).
>If Anyone knows of such a package, please let me know by posting or e-mail.

We have built a fairly general-purpose filtering box at Austek that we have
used to implement such a filter. The box implements a 32768-tap FIR filter on
CD audio data (in real time). The coefficients are downloaded by a PC. One
demo we usually run on this system is a 1/3 octave graphic equaliser, using
the PC and mouse to implement the 1/3 octave display. As a variant of this,
someone here modified the equalizer coefficent calculation code to do a
variable group delay equalizer, so that you can alter the group delay of the
signal by over 1/2 second with 1/3 octave frequency resolution.

We compute the filter response in the frequency domain, so that you can
download into the box a vector of 32768 complex numbers that represent the
complex response of the filter at 32768 frequency bins (from DC to 22.05 KHz).
Since group delay is simply the derivative of the phase response, all you have
to do is integrate the group delay as you count throught the frequency bins,
and generate 32768 complex numbers, all with unity magnitude and phase that is
the integral of group delay.

(You can also specify filter responses as time-domain impulse responses, which
is handy for building reverberation filters etc...)

If anyone out there wants more info on our box, please get in touch with me.

David McGrath,					Phone : +61-8-260-0114
Austek Microsystems,				Email : dmcgrath@austek.oz
Technology Park,
South Australia, 5095,