[comp.dsp] Mystery FFT Code...

Bobby@cup.portal.com (Robert Jules Shaughnessy) (06/11/90)

     I recieved the fallowing FFT Pascal code in the mail a while 
back. It came without any documentation and I dont know how to use 
it. I know, this is kinda a stupid question, but does anyone know 
what the variables NN and Isign are for? Also, in what form does 
the output come, I noticed it uses only one array and not 2 (One 
for real and imaginary.)

One might ask, why use this code? This is the smallest FFT I have, 
and I want to make a 68000 assembler version of it. If you have a 
well documented smaller FFT, PLEASE upload it!

                    Thanks for your time!

Bobby Shaughnessy

------------------------------ Pascal FFT ------------------------

Program FFT;


    array [1000] :doubled;

Procedure FFT( var data : gldarray; nn, isign : integer);

   ii, jj  : integer;
   mmax    : integer;
   m, n    : integer;
   i, j    : integer;
   istep   : integer;
   wtemp   : double;
   wr, wpr : double;
   wi, wpi : double;
   theta   : double;
   tempr   : double;
   tempi   : double;

   n := 2 * nn;
   j := 1;

   For ii := 1 to nn do
      i := 2 * ii - 1;

      If j > i then
         tempr     := data[j];
         tempi     := data[j+1];
         data[j]   := data[i];
         data[j+1] := data[i+1];
         data[i]   := tempr;
         data[i+1] := tempi;

      m := n DIV 2;

      While ((m >= 2) and (j > m)) do
         j := j-m;
         m := m DIV 2;

      j := j + m;

   mmax := 2;

   While( n > mmax) do
      istep := 2 * mmax;
      theta := 2 * Pi / (isign * mmax);
      wpr   := -2.0 * sqr( sin( 0.5 * theta));
      wpi   := sin( theta);
      wr    := 1.0;
      wi    := 0.0;

      For ii := 1 to (mmax DIV 2) do
         m := 2 * ii -1;
         For jj := 0 to ((n - m) DIV istep) do
            i := m + jj * istep;
            j := i + mmax;
            tempr     := wr * data[j]   - wi * data[j+1];
            tempi     := wr * data[j+1] + wi * data[j];
            data[j]   := data[i]   - tempr;
            data[j+1] := data[i+1] - tempi;
            data[i]   := data[i]   + tempr;
            data[i+1] := data[i+1] + tempi;
         wtemp := wr;
         wr    := wr * wpr - wi    * wpi + wr;
         wi    := wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi;
      mmax := istep;

Begin (Main)



paulr@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Paul T Russell) (06/11/90)

This looks very much like the code from "Numerical Recipes in Pascal".
(Vetterling et al ?). The arrays consist of alternate real, complex
values and start at an indexs of 1, so array[1] = x[0].re, array[2] =
x[0].im, array[3] = x[1].re, etc...

Incidentally, I think they have the signs for the FT and inverse FT
the wrong way round - can anyone confirm this ?

           Paul Russell, Department of Experimental Psychology
         University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QG, England
     Janet: paulr@uk.ac.sussex.syma  Nsfnet: paulr@syma.sussex.ac.uk
    Bitnet: paulr%sussex.syma@ukacrl.bitnet  Usenet: ...ukc!syma!paulr

vlo@xydeco.siemens.com (John Vlontzos) (06/11/90)

Looking at the code:
nn is the log(N) (base 2) that is for 1024 points, nn=10
isign controls the sign of exp(2kp/N) (forward/inverse fft)
ifft=(1/N)fft(X*) where X*=complex conjugate.
I didn't look too hard but I think the routine doesn't
divide by N when computing the inverse fft. 

John Vlontzos

moyarzun@bbn.com (Miguel Oyarzun) (06/13/90)

In article <2846@syma.sussex.ac.uk> paulr@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Paul T Russell) writes:
>This looks very much like the code from "Numerical Recipes in Pascal".
>(Vetterling et al ?). The arrays consist of alternate real, complex
>values and start at an indexs of 1, so array[1] = x[0].re, array[2] =
>x[0].im, array[3] = x[1].re, etc...
>Incidentally, I think they have the signs for the FT and inverse FT
>the wrong way round - can anyone confirm this ?

If you look at the Numerical Recipes' definition of the Fourier integral,
you will see that their algorithm is consitent with their definition.
Unfortunately, they selected the opposite sign convention on the complex
exponential from that commonly used in engineering work :-(.  I guess
it's the old scientist-vs-engineer's way of looking at the world.  
