[comp.dsp] Wanted: RGB to PAL converter

paul@frcs.UUCP (Paul Nash) (02/11/91)

I am trying to display VGA-generated images (low res, lots of colours)
on a _large_ screen.  I cannot afford a 21" monitor (much less 300-odd
of them, which I will need for this project!), and so want to display
the image on a standard TV screen.  Around here, this means PAL.

Does anyone have a circuit diagram and/or references for an RGB-to-PAL
converter?  It can have either TTL or analogue inputs, and need not be
able to cope with high-resolution (=high frequency?) inputs (~400x300
pixel is just great).  If so, could you _please_ either mail me or
post a followup.  I will be scanning these groups with bated breath.

Many thanks


Paul Nash				   Free Range Computer Systems cc
paul@frcs.UUCP				      ...!uunet!m2xenix!frcs!paul