trejo@nprdc.navy.mil (Leonard J. Trejo) (05/30/91)


	  The Neurosciences Division of the  Navy  Personnel  Research  and
     Development  Center (NPRDC), San Diego, is looking for a recent Ph. D.
     to study electrophysiological correlates of human cognition.   Ongoing
     research  includes  neuroelectric  (EEG  and  ERP)  and  neuromagnetic
     (evoked field) technology.  The primary  emphasis  is on modelling and
     predicting  human  learning  and  performance;  however,  considerable
     emphasis is given to basic research issues.  Other  areas of  interest
     include electrophysiological signal processing and pattern recognition 
     using neural networks.

	 Qualifications include:
	   1.  U. S. Citizenship (no exceptions)
	   2.  Ph. D., Sc. D., or equivalent in psychology or neuroscience
	       received not more than 7 years from date of award

	 Additional experience desired:
	   1.  Cognitive psychophysiology training / experience
	   2.  Biomedical signal processing training / experience.

	  The position is available  through  the  Postdoctoral  Fellowship
     Program  funded  by the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Technology (ONT) and
     administered by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
     Duration of the appointment is for one year, and may be renewed for an
     additional year.   Stipends  range  from  $36,000 to $40,000 per year,
     depending upon experience.   A relocation allowance may be negotiated;
     the amount  is  based  on  the  personal situation of the participant.
     Funds will be available for limited professional travel.

	  The application deadlines are July  1, 1991, for terms  beginning
     in the fall, and October 1, 1990, for terms beginning in  winter.  For
     information about the  ONT  Postdoctoral  Fellowship  Program  and  an
     application form, please contact:

	 American Society for Engineering Education
	 Projects Office, Attention:  Deborah Aho
	 11 Dupont Circle, Suite 200
	 Washington, DC 20036
	 (202) 293-7080

     For information about the NPRDC Neurosciences Division, contact:

	 Dr. Leonard J. Trejo
	 Neuroscience Division, Code 141
	 Navy Personnel Research and Development Center
	 San Diego, CA 92152-6800
	 (619) 553-7711

         INTERNET: trejo@nprdc.navy.mil	  UUCP: ucsd!nprdc!trejo

USENET : trejo@nprdc.navy.mil		UUCP:  ucsd!nprdc!trejo

U.S. Mail: Leonard J. Trejo, Ph. D.	Phone: (619) 553-7711
	   Neurosciences Division		(AV) 553-7711
	   NPRDC, Code 141
	   San Diego, CA 92152-6800
(The opinions expressed here are my own, are unofficial, and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Navy Department.)