[alt.conspiracy] INFO: Bio and discoveries of John Keely, Inventor. *****

dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) (04/22/91)

This file details exactly *who* John Keely is and what his findings
were and what the KeelyNet BBS is about.

------Begin Included Text------------------------------------------------


                           Who was John W. Keely?

        John Keely was an independent researcher specializing in the
             properties of sound during the mid to late 1800's.

                          What did Keely discover?

     He was purported to have discovered techniques based on incredibly
              sensitive vibratory mechanisms which would allow
                the use of the Aether for practical purposes.

                         What devices did he build?

              1) a machine to split the water molecule for the
                 instantaneous release of tremendous pressures

              2) an engine which was reportedly driven by the
                 flow of Aether into its components

              3) designed and built a mineral disintegrator

              4) an acoustic microscope capable of viewing into
                 the molecular and atomic interstices of matter

              5) a globe which could be made to rotate with no
                 outside source of power as a demonstration
                 of the Aetheric flows into matter

              6) a belt device which enabled the operator to
                 induce levitation or gravity in a test mass

                         What happened to his work?

      On his  death  in  1898 of pneumonia, a Boston businessman purchased
      the bulk of equipment.

      On moving it to Boston, the man never successfully operated it which
      caused him to denounce Keely as a fraud.

      Many of Keelys papers were given  to  a  Count Von Rosen of Scotland
      these papers  were  taken  to  Stockholm  in  1912   and  have  been
      unaccounted for since.

      Scientific American  dismantled  the  walls and floor of Keely's lab
      and found a large tank in the basement.

      Leading from the tank into the walls were a multitude of tubes which
      led them to proclaim fraud on the  basis that Keely "must have used"
      compressed air to power his equipment.

                                   Page 1

                           Who continues the work?

            At the present time and to the best of our knowledge,
                    there are only two groups in the USA
                               which actively
                    research, correlate and investigate
                         the work of John W. Keely

      Dale Pond, Director                     Jerry W. Decker, Director
      Delta Spectrum Research                 Vangard Sciences
      1309 North Chestnut                     PO BOX 1031
      Colorado Springs, CO                    Mesquite, TX
      80905  (719) 473-8852                   75150     (214) 324-8741
      Journal Vibratory Physics $24 Yr.       KeelyNet  (214) 324-3501
                                              Plenum $25 Yr.

 The papers in this manuscript are a result of many years of study based
 primarily on a   book  written  about  Keely  by  Clara  Bloomfield-Moore
 entitled :

                            "Keelys Discoveries"

 The book is available from Health Research, PO BOX 70, Mokelumne Hill, CA
 95245 for about $17.00.

 Please ask for their current catalog, you will find thousands of reprints
 of rare and difficult to find books, we heartily support them.

 A word about this book, it is written  during  a  time  when verbosity in
 writing was the norm, therefore, be prepared to wade through reams of
 duplication and re-phrasing of the same general concepts.  My own edition
 has become greatly annotated during the 19 years I have been studying it.

 Delta Spectrum Research and Dale Pond have done much to reprint some of
 the more difficult to find books referred to in "Keelys Discoveries" and
 his prices are reasonable.

 My personal recommendations  are the two available volumes  of  MacVicar,
 the Hughes documents and the Snell Manuscript.  A subscription to the

                 "Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics"

 might also be of value to keep informed of what is going on and who the
 movers and shakers are in the field.  Quite reasonable at about $24 per
 year.  Write Dale at the Delta Spectrum address above.

 Vangard Sciences is  a group based in Dallas which studies scientifically
 oriented subjects usually classed as  paranormal  or metaphysical.  Their
 primary purpose is information exchange and research where possible.

 Vangard is actively working to set-up a workshop capable  of  duplicating
 some of the Keely phenomena using state-of-the-art equipment.  We believe
 that this research  must  be  duplicated  and  freely distributed for the
 survival and advancement of mankind.

                                   Page 2

 Gnosis Research is  the  original  model and still functions as a private
 firm which studies field energies with  an emphasis on the life matrix of
 living systems.  The  main  goal  of Gnosis is to develop  an  electronic
 and/or bio-feedback system  to allow disease control, tissue regeneration
 and age retardation/reversal.  Gnosis  information  is being incorporated
 into the Vangard knowledge base.

 This version of the RFP work was especially generated for the 1988 Global
 Sciences Congress in Denver.  Dean and Phyllis Stonier, organizers of the
 Congress, do such a tremendous job of giving us an opportunity  to  share
 that we felt  this information should be made available in a printed form
 for those who wish to learn more.

                     Chapter I - The Basic Keely Primer

      John W. Keely lived and worked in the mid to late 1800's.  His
 principal research and discoveries were accomplished in Philadelphia
 beginning in 1872 with the invention of the Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-
 Vacuo Engine.  This engine was his attempt to use a steam engine coupled
 with a vacuum  to  rapidly  cool  and  condense the steam for re-use as a
 motive force.

      The engine exploded shortly after  beginning  operation.   Since the
 concept of the Aether was in vogue at the time, Keely  thought  he  might
 have successfully dissociated  the  hydrogen  and oxygen components which
 comprise the water molecule.

      Based on this assumption, Keely managed to duplicate the effect and
 continued to design improved versions of the engine.  In his subsequent
 researches, he observed unusual effects relating to the reaction of
 complex sound waves on matter.  These led him deeper into experimentation
 based on the theories advanced by Dr. Angus MacVicar in his work, "A
 Sketch of a Philosophy", (available from Dale Pond at Delta Spectrum).

      Eventually, Keely succeeded in  releasing  up  to  30,000 pounds per
 square inch from  four  drops of water.  He was in full  control  of  the
 process and used it in many experiments.  Keely found that the emissions
 from dissociated water took on different characteristics depending on
 the order of  vibration  he  used.   The  disruption of any mass could be
 acheived on any  of  six  possible levels  of  aggregation.   These  were
 labelled :

        Keely Terms                           Modern Terms

       Molecular                             Molecular
       Inter-Molecular                       None
       Atomic                                Atomic
       Inter-Atomic                          Quark
       Etheric                               Prion
       Inter-Etheric                         None

 The terms indicated the various aggregate levels of which matter is
 composed.  These were determined by Keely with the use of his Acoustic
 Microscope which allowed  him  to  directly  view  the structure  of  the
 various components.  As  we  understand  it  from  Dan  A.  Davidson, the
 Acoustic Microscope projected the actual  moving  structure on a wall for
 detailed study.

      One of the most astounding of his discoveries was the concept of the
 Neutral Centre.  The Neutral Centre was at the heart of each structure in
 Nature ranging from the prion to the quark to the atom to the molecule to
 the mass aggregation.

      Individually, the Neutral Centre acts as a drain  for  the Aether to
 pass presumably into  the  4th  dimension.   When they gather or cluster,
 they each have a separate drain with another Master Neutral Centre formed
 from the combination of all the mass  components.  This is what is termed
 the "Center of Mass" in modern physics.

                                   Page 4

      The velocity  of  the  Aetheric  flow  is  determined by the mode of
 operation by which the mass is currently  ruled.   The Neutral Centre can
 be thought of as an adjustable diaphragm which can control  the amount of
 Aether which flows into the "drain" of the Neutral Centre.

      The mode of operation can take any of three possible forms.  Keely
 had broken these down into the Harmonic, the Enharmonic and the Dominant.
 In an attempt  to  make  these easier to deal with, the terms used by the
 RFP theory are more expressive of the attributes of each mode.

      For clarity, this paper will use the terminology incorporated in the
 RFP theory.  Mode and force vector will be used interchangeably.

              RFP term                             Keely term

              Pressor                              Enharmonic
              Tractor                              Harmonic
              Dominant                             Dominant
              Force Vector                         Mode

      The Pressor force vector (mode) accelerates and extends the range of
 molecular oscillation.  When excited or brought into play, it causes
 molecular dissociation with a subsequent decrease in weight.  The Pressor
 mode repels or pushes and is of the nature of centrifugal force in modern

      The Tractor force vector reduces the range of molecular oscillation
 and will cause a general concentration of the mass components.  This
 compaction of the particles of a mass will increase what is perceived as
 weight.  The Tractor   mode  concentrates,   pulls,   attracts   and   is
 exemplified by the centripetal force in modern science.

      The Dominant force vector can either stabilize a mass to prevent
 radioactive decay or bring on transmutation of one element to another.
 This mode completely rearranges all three modes (Tractor, Pressor and
 Dominant) in relation  to  each  other.   Transmutation   is   the   most
 recognizable property of this mode.

      A simple table of relationships is included to show the extent of
 these relationships :

      Pressor                   Tractor                  Dominant

    centrifugal                centripetal                still
    South Pole                 North Pole                 Bloch Wall
    CCW spin                   CW spin                    no spin
    proton                     electron                   neutron
    cold                       hot                        temperate
    positive                   negative                   neutral
    expand                     condense                   transmute
    push                       pull                       stabilize

 As you can see, there are numerous verifications in Nature and science
 based on the trinary concept above the binary.  We have found numerous
 correlations which are quite interesting.

                                   Page 5

        Pressor                  Tractor                Dominant

      These three modes of force must all three be present in any mass or
 mass aggregation.

      The mass  comprises 100% with all 3 being present in any combination
 of 3 separate percentages.  For instance,  if  we assign (P) for Pressor,
 (T) for Tractor  and  (D) for Dominant, you might better  understand  the
 relationship :

  (P=20%) + (T=60%) + (D=20%) = 100%   the general proportions for much of
                                       the physical mass we are aware of
                                       THE TRACTOR RULES since T=60%

  (P=60%) +  (T=20%)  +  (D=20%) = 100%   the general proportions for mass
                                       which is in a radiatory state, such
                                       as a light or heat source
                                       THE PRESSOR RULES since P=60%

  (P=20%) + (T=20%) + (D=60%) = 100%   the  general proportions in effect
                                       when the mass is in the radioactive
                                       or transmutative state
                                       THE DOMINANT RULES since D=60%

        Pressor                  Tractor                Dominant

      As you can see, if we can gain control of the trinary forces, we can
 adjust the relation of any of the vectors to achieve the effect we wish.

      These can include levitation, compression by dissociation  (if  at a
 sufficiently high order   of  vibration,  we  could  generate  aneutronic
 energy), aggregation or  materialization   of  matter,  transmutation  of
 existing matter and suspension of the aging process.

      Since these are the Creative Forces to which Edgar Cayce refers, you
 can easily conceive of countless other applications and possibilities.

      Our 1st International Keely Symposium was held in  Dallas  in August
 of 1987 and  mentioned  in  the  April 1988 OMNI magazine.  The 2nd Keely
 Symposium was held May 1, 1989 in Colorado  Springs.   We  are working on
 the 3rd Keely  Symposium, again to be held in Dallas  in  the  summer  of

      One of  our  guest  speakers  at  the  1st  Symposium,  Wim  Leys of
 Amsterdam, spoke on the work of Rudolph  Steiner  and  how  it related to
 Keely.  Wim said  that mind-force would one day allow  man  to  interface
 with Nature and machines in a way quite magical to modern day technology.
 Those who would  not work hard to learn the mental skills to use the mind
 force would be treated as throwbacks.

      Keely often referred to mind force as being the sole motive power of
 the Universe.  In his later researches, he states that a body that has
 been "equated" in its force relations will live forever.

                                   Page 6

               Chapter II - Related Discoveries and Hypotheses

      The source of all power in the Universe is the all pervasive Aether.
 It permeates, creates  and  empowers  all  mass and energy forms.  Aether
 vibrates at a  frequency  far  beyond  anything  our  present  electronic
 equipment has been able to detect.

      The Aether  cascades  as  forcefalls  which become  ever  slower  in
 vibration.  These manifest as a spectrum which can be represented thus :

                        Cosmic Rays
                                            Physical Vibration

      Although there can be many more divisions, most people are familiar
 with these and can grasp the concept quite readily.

      Just as  Light has a spectrum consisting of different colors ranging
 from red to violet, so does each and  every  other  division.  This means
 that Magnetism can   have   many  different  "frequencies",   from   "red
 magnetism" to "blue magnetism".  This also applies to all other divisions
 in the Aether Spectrum.

      At this  time,  we  do  not  have  equipment  to  differentiate  the
 frequencies of the higher energies beyond the low Cosmic Rays.  It is our
 belief that each frequency or combination of frequencies has specific
 effects when applied to matter or energy forms, just as light or sound
 create quite different effects.

      Music is indeed the key to the Universe, as suspected and proven by
 Keely and others.  The Octave Progression links all frequencies in both
 Octave and Harmonic relationships.  This occurs in both the up and down
 directions of the  Aether  Spectrum,   thus,   sound   can  affect  other
 frequencies over the entire spectrum even up into the Aether.

      In the last chapter, a reference was made to Rudolph Steiner and the
 use of Mind-Force.  From the above concept, it is possible  to derive the
 method whereby a  conscious  use of the mind would involve the sensing of
 the Aetheric flow into the Neutral Centre's of the body.

      A serious student would be able  to  sense,  "touch" and channel the
 flow towards the accomplishment of an intended purpose.   This  would  be
 done by the mental dividing or slowing down of the raw Aether as it flows
 into the Neutral  Centres of the body, into any of the cascaded frequency
 bands.  The process could directly transmute  (divide) Aether and halt it
 at the desired  band,  then  divide  down  to  the frequency  desired  to
 accomplish the task.

                                   Page 7

      This relatively  simple  process  is  one  of the primary techniques
 learned and used by those who study  and  master  the "magical arts".  It
 appears to require years of intense concentration and  focussed  thought.
 We believe that  a  bio-feedback mechanism can be developed to assist the
 student into "learning" the ability.

      Due to the extreme delicacy of the vibrations Keely was generating,
 he was required to take great pains to suppress any outside interference
 in the way of sounds or other uncontrolled vibrations.  This extended to
 the use of the transmitting wire which he used in his later experiments.

      The wire  Keely  used  for his experiments  was  composed  of  three
 different elements; silver, gold and platinum.  Keely  said  they had the
 perfect relationship in that they possessed respective ratios of 3:6:9 or
 3 parts to  6  parts  to  9 parts.  This indicated the range of frequency
 multiplication which occurred when a mass was subjected to certain orders
 of vibration.

      The wires and everything else which acted as a carrier for this
 peculiar energy, required a special manufacturing process which Keely
 designed.  Keely called this manufacturing process, "Differentiation".

      Differentiation involved the tempering  (heating and cooling) of the
 metal over periods  of  up  to  3 days for the process  of  removing  any
 imperfections in the   crystalline   structures.    These   very   slight
 imperfections could result in phase or  frequency distortions which would
 alter the vibrational order being experimented with.

      In order to understand the concept of "differentiation", we ask that
 you think of a moving stream of water which flows in a straight line with
 no eddy currents or whirlpools. If a stick were thrown in or stuck in the
 path, the water would deviate around it to cause a distortion in the flow
 of the fluid.

      There is  most  interesting  book,  again  available   from   Health
 Research, called "The  Dividing  of  the Way" by Phylos the Tibetan.  The
 book refers to  "cascaded  forcefalls".    These   cascades  involve  the
 "division" or slowing  down of the flow of force to yield  another  lower
 form of force.

      This slowing down is very similar to the impedance to the water flow
 by the stick.   These "knotholes" in the structure of the wires and other
 components had to be "ironed out" to achieve near perfect transmission of
 the Aetheric forces  that were brought  on  "artificially"  with  Keely's
 Vibration machines.  This  concept  of  the  cascaded  forcefall  applies
 directly to frequencies  and  shows  how  very  high  frequencies  can be
 "slowed down" or divided to generate lower frequences.

      This slowing  down  is done when  the  "knotholes"  in  a  mass  are
 encountered by energy  moving in a wave train at a high  frequency.   The
 resistance/impedance of the  whirlpools to the flow of the energy at this
 high frequency directly impedes the flow  to cause an increase the length
 of the wave.  The wavelength is the number of wave crests  which  pass  a
 point within a   given  interval,  usually  per  second.   Thus,  as  the
 whirlpools collide with  each  other,  the  wavelenght  is  resisted  and
 therefore slowed.

                                   Page 8

                       Chapter III - Keelys' Machines

      Mentioned in the first chapter was the original device, called the
 Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-Vacuo Engine.  The explosion of this device
 set Keely on the arduous trek which often proved frustrating.  As Keely
 experimented with unknown forces, the inevitable accidents did occur.  On
 several occasions, devices   or  experiments  on  which  he  was  working
 produced energies far  beyond his expectations.   The  results  sometimes
 caused structural damage  to his workshop and on at least  two  occasions
 that we know  of,  direct  injury to himself.  One of these times, he was
 laid up for six weeks due to a violent explosion.

      Keely mentions that pipes several inches in diameter blew up as if
 made of straw.  Steel shafts having  diameters  of  several  inches which
 were attached to Aether driven motors would instantly warp when the motor
 suffered a reversal in direction.  Carbon steel resonators would turn to
 putty when certain vibrations were attained.

      As you can see, the experiments were fraught with unpredictable
 results in some cases.  Keely persevered in his researches,  ever  driven
 by observations of  new  phenomena.   In the process, Keely was analyzing
 and measuring the frequencies and conditions  under  which each new event
 took place using analytical and test equipment of his  own  design.  From
 these, it is  reported  that  many fine drawings and charts were drawn to
 illustrate the processes  and  laws  governing  his  investigations  into
 Sympathetic Vibratory Physics.

      The practical dissociation of the water molecule on either one or
 more levels of  aggregation  would  yield  anything  from   a  taffy-like
 substance to an  electrical  type  force.   Each  of  these  products had
 different properties and  released   progressively  more  energy  as  the
 aggregate level size decreased.

      Keely states in the Bloomfield-Moore that the water  molecule  could
 be dissociated on  620,  630  or  12000 cycles per second.  Interestingly
 enough, our friend Dr. Andrija Puharich developed a device for de-gassing
 blood which he later adapted to the  hydrolizying  of water.  This device
 is patented and  runs on 600 cycles per second, amazingly  close  to  the
 number Keely gives.

      The Aetheric Motor was designed to tap the flow of aetheric force
 which flows to the Neutral Centre of all mass.  Keely designed a special
 motor to take advantage of this flow.  As far as we can tell, it seems to
 have used a "rotating sonic field" to drive the shaft.  This is directly
 analogous to the work of Nikola Tesla and his discovery of the "rotating
 magnetic field".

      We have wondered if Keely and Tesla ever met.  Tesla worked with
 brute force technologies when compared with the sensitized equipment of
 Keely.  That is a major reason why none of Keelys instruments would work
 unless he was present.  The orders of vibration required to produce the
 effects Keely generated   were   so   delicate   (due  to  the  exquisite
 construction and limited amplitudes of the devices) that the least
 distortion would cancel the effect.

                                   Page 9

      Tesla designed and used electrical devices which could be used by
 anyone, whereas Keely's  devices  had  to be fully understood and handled
 with the greatest care.

      Today, things are radically different  with  the level of technology
 we have, the duplication of the Keely phenomena is held  back only by two
 factors, money and  time.   Another  intention  of  this manuscript is to
 illuminate the field so that others  can  contribute and possibly help to
 re-discover the principles that died with Keely.

      The construction  of  the  Aetheric  Motor  involved   the   use  of
 "vitalized disks" which  were  mounted  on  arms  attached to a rotatable
 shaft.  When the correct order of vibration  was achieved, the "vitalized
 disks" would be  repelled from each other in a manner which  would  cause
 the shaft to  rotate.  Reports indicate that the shaft could rotate up to
 110 RPM and with an incredible torque.  This device went through hundreds
 of modifications and rebuilds in an attempt to correct what Keely termed
 "reversions".  A reversion occurs when  a  motor  running properly and in
 the correct direction  suddenly  reverses  its' direction.   This  causes
 havoc with the motor shaft and any attached devices.

      Keely never overcame this problem to a point which would allow its
 release to the  public  until  the  late 1800's.  By that time, Keely had
 discovered a far superior method of  generating  and applying force.  The
 stockholders of the Keely Motor Company, who had invested in the original
 Keely Motor Company, took legal action against Keely to  recover  some of
 their losses.  When the judge ordered Keely to bring his devices to court
 for the purpose  of  revealing  his  secrets,  Keely  smashed them with a
 sledge hammer in an eccentric fit.

      Some of Keely's experiments are still with us in annotated versions.
 One of which  is  the Mineral Disintegrator.  The  principle  behind  the
 Mineral Disintegrator was accidentally discovered while  carrying  out  a
 series of experiments with what Keely termed the Vibratory Lift.  A large
 block of quartz  was  being used as a weight and connected with the Lift.
 When a specific  order  of  vibration  was  achieved,  the  quartz  block
 suffered partial disintegration.  Keely managed to duplicate  the  effect
 and built a  machine  specifically for that purpose.  This was one of the
 devices destroyed in his fit of pique.

      In his work with acoustics, Keely found it necessary to design his
 own analytical equipment.  This also meant the construction of platforms
 and tables capable of suppressing extraneous vibrations which could upset
 his experiments.  Eventually, to gain  a  more  detailed understanding of
 the true structure of molecular and atomic interstices, Keely built a
 microscope.  This was no ordinary microscope however, it consisted of a
 lens with a built-in silver, gold and platinum wire.  When properly
 excited, it yielded direct optical viewing into the heart  of  matter  by
 projecting the image  onto  a  wall  for  detailed  study  of  the moving

      A normal microscope ranges anywhere from 200 to 2000 times.  The
 famous Rife optical microscope could magnify up to 17,000 times.  Modern
 electron microscopes, which do not use optical viewing, can magnify up to
 350,000 times while a field ion microscope can magnify up to 5 million
 times.  As you can see, Keely was and is far ahead of our most advanced
 technology.  This is another device destroyed during the litigation.

                                  Page 10

      In the latter part of his researches, from about 1880 to his death,
 Keely devoted most of his time to the perfecting of his Aerial Navigation
 System.  This was  based  on  an accidental discovery which brought about
 the levitation of a test mass.  Again, Keely successfully analyzed and
 duplicated the feat.

      The original version of the book "Keelys Experiments" has a subtitle
 of "Aerial Navigation".  It is most  curious  that  the  mysterious Keely
 Airship is not  shown  nor  described  in  this  book.   Due  to  a  very
 knowledgable and sharing  man,  Mr.  Victor  Hansen,  we  were allowed to
 photocopy a drawing of the airship and the description of its operation.

      It appears that sometime after  the  publication  of the Bloomfield-
 Moore book, many copies were removed from the market and edited.  We know
 for a certaintly  that  the  section  with  the Aiship  picture  and  its
 description were removed.  We do not at present know if other information
 was removed.  It  seems  that  some  person or group has deemed the Keely
 work dangerous to  mankind  or has some  nefarious  purpose  behind  this

      One of the Keely's initial levitation experiments  involved  a glass
 jar of water  in which a metal weight was placed.  Fastened to the top of
 the jar was a metal plate which had attached to it, a silver and platinum
 wire leading to the source of vibration.

      After Keely tuned the vibrator to the test weight at the bottom of
 the tank of water, it was caused to vibrate.  The weight floated from the
 bottom of the tank to the bottom of the plate attached to the jar.  This
 was definitely NOT Archimedes' (pressure buoyancy) Principle.

      Another similar experiment involved the use of 3 different sizes of
 spheres.  The vibrator was tuned to a single sphere.  When the vibrations
 ensued, the only sphere which rose in  the water was the one to which the
 resonator had been tuned.  Keely could demonstrate this  principle on any
 of the 3  different  sized  spheres.  Witnesses report that he could make
 any sphere rise halfway and stop, go  completely  to  the top or descend,
 all under his control.

      The famous psychic, Edgar Cayce gave many readings  which dealt with
 vibration and the use of the Creative Forces.  In one such reading, Edgar
 Cayce says,

               "Stone floats in air as iron floats in water."

      This is  a direct reference to the prophet Elisha and his causing an
 iron axehead to rise from the bottom of the river Jordan to the surface.

      If you have ever watched, "In  Search  Of:",  you  might  recall the
 story of Edward  Leedskalnin  of Coral Castle in Homestead,  Florida.   I
 flew there to  see  the  structure  and  it  is  most  interesting.   Mr.
 Leedskalnin claimed he had discovered  the  secret  of  the Egyptians and
 their pyramid building.  People claimed Ed sang to the  stones  to  cause
 them to move, though no one claims to have actually seen him do this.

                                  Page 11

      We have done quite a study on both organic and inorganic levitation.
 This information will be available in the complete edition of this work
 which should be available in November of this year.  It will include many
 other histories and  correlative  studies.  The order form is in the rear
 of this book.

      Another of Keelys levitation experiments involved the use of a model
 airship.  He reportedly caused the airship  to  ascend,  hover or descend
 "as light as  thistledown" when attached to a silver  and  platinum  wire
 which was connected to a properly tuned vibrator.

      By far,  the  most  exhilarating  account  is of the levitation of a
 steam engine weighing about one ton.   Keely  attached  a belt around his
 waist which had a silver and platinum wire leading from  it.   He wrapped
 the wire around   the   engine,  stepped  back  and  struck  the  pre-set
 vibrators.  The engine floated in the  air  while  Keely  moved it to the
 desired location.  There were reportedly more than 20 witnesses.

      Later, an engineer was consulted about the best means of moving the
 steam engine.  His response was to remove the roof of the building so a
 derrick could be used to hoist the engine to the proper location.  He did
 not believe that the engine had been easily moved earlier.

      Another account involves the mysterious three ton sphere, fully four
 feet in diameter, which Scientific American discovered under the floor of
 Keely's lab after  his death.  The sphere weighed in  the  neiborhood  of
 6500 pounds and  was estimated to have a bursting strength of 28,000 psi.
 The assertions were that he used compressed  air  which would "obviously"
 be stored in this container.  (source - Dan A. Davidson)

      What the  Scientific  American people did not look  into,  were  the
 numerous newspaper and  magazines articles written about Keely during his
 lifetime.  One such article refers to  a  visit  by a reporter to Keely's
 lab.  In the article, the reporter says that he found  Keely  removing  a
 section of flooring  to  make a large hole.  As the reporter watched, Mr.
 Keely placed a strange belt with numerous  attached mechanisms around his
 waist.  Keely then attached a thin wire from the belt to the sphere which
 rested in the corner of the laboratory.

      Mr. Keely  then proceeded to concentrate while staring  intently  at
 the sphere.  Moments  later  and  the  iron  sphere  rose  in the air and
 "floated" while under the gaze of Keely.  As Keely shifted his stare, the
 sphere floated over to and above the  hole  in  the  lab floor.  As Keely
 relaxed his concentration,  the sphere settled to the  ground  below  the
 floor level.  Keely  then  made  slight adjustments to the belt mechanism
 and once again stared intently at the resting sphere.  Again, the intense
 concentration directed his will toward  the  sphere.   The  sphere slowly
 sank into to ground as its weight was magnified through  the concentrated
 and directed will of Keely.

      The reporter was told by Keely that he simply was making room in the
 lab by clearing away some outmoded equipment.  The true use of the sphere
 was as s  reservoir for the etheric vapor which Keely's early experiments
 released from the dissociation of the water molecule.  As his experiments
 continually led him to more sophisticated  controls,  he  found  that the
 Aether could be conducted through the differentiated wires  as  mentioned
 earlier in this paper.

                                  Page 12

             Chapter IV - Applications of the Keely Technologies

      As you  can  determine  from this paper, the applications for any of
 these three modes  of force as discovered  and  practically  applied  are

      Some of the obvious that come to mind are listed  as  a  closing for
 this version of  the manuscript.  Remember that this work was done in the
 1800's by a lone inventor.

      Are we so greedy and self-centered  that  we  will not do everything
 within our power  to  bring  these  secrets  back  from   oblivion?   The
 GREENHOUSE EFFECT is killing us and our planet on a yearly basis.

      The re-discovery of the Keely secrets would launch us into space and
 provide us with  the secrets of free energy as well as a means of gravity
 concentration and negation. Not to mention the final solution of who owns
 the UFOs.

      We will not go into the medical or transmutative aspects as they are
 much too involved and beyond the scope of this version of the RFP theory.

      The Pressor force vector can be used to control the "weight of a
 mass" to enjoy total levitation or a reduction in the perceived weight.
 Imagine what it will do for transportation, commerce and traffic jams.

      The Tractor force vector can be used as a beam for the attraction or
 holding of another mass.  Finally, the non-ferrous magnet that will work
 even on organic tissues!  How about controlled mass aggregations?  In
 simpler terms, you could say materialization.

      The Dominant force vector can be used to stabilize a mass to prevent
 dissolution through natural  radioactive   decay.    It   also   is   the
 transmutative vector, what could that be used for?

      Please consider that all your money and worldy goods  will  be to no
 avail if the  Earth cannot support life, now is the time, please let your
 conscience be your guide.  The vision is here, the time is now!

      Please don't take this final page  as  preachy,  we  are  in earnest
 about our activities and abilities.  Many years and a  good  deal of time
 and money have yielded much more than you see in this short treatise.  If
 you wish to  help us in our quest, support Vangard and other groups doing
 similar work when and where you can.   Money  is  not  why  we  are here.
 Service to others will be the final form of barter.

If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
this paper covers,  please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
Sciences address as listed on the  first  page.   Thank you for your
consideration, interest and support.                                
    Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson    
                      Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet                     
              If we can be of service, you may contact              
          Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189          

                (word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2)

                      Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
                           Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
                                    PO BOX 1031
                                Mesquite, TX 75150

                        Two interesting stories about Keely
                    from personal anecdotes told by Dale Pond,
                          Dan Davidson and Victor Hansen


                        >>>  A Run on the Stock Market  <<<

       Keely was alleged  to  have  invented  a mineral disintegrator which
       could be tuned to a given substance  to  reduce it to dust.  In this
       particular account, the device was tuned to Quartz.

       Sometime during the   1880's,  Keely  was  experimenting   with   an
       instrument originally intended to be used to overcome gravity.  When
       a block of  quartz  was  used  as  a  weight, the intense vibrations
       generated by the device partially disintegrated the quartz block.

       This came as a surprise to Keely but he analyzed the effect and came
       up with a device specifically designed to disintegrate quartz.

       As we understand   it,   the   Quartz   Disintegrator   device   was
       approximately the size  of  a Brownie camera with a  protruding  rod
       which in turn  supported  a vibrating plate.  In use, the device was
       excited, which transferred the vibration  through the rod to a plate
       which was made  to  vibrate over its entire surface.   Wherever  the
       plate was touched  to  a piece of quartz, disintegration would occur
       at that location, leaving only a fine powder.

       A group of twelve wealthy businessmen  from  New  York heard of this
       experiment and came up with a brilliant idea to make  money with the
       new technology.

       Since quartz contains threads of gold, if the disintegrator could be
       used for mining,  it  could  result in large quantities of gold from
       relatively worthless mines.  The disintegrator would only affect the
       quartz and leave the gold behind for harvesting.

       So, the businessmen went to Keely's  lab  in  Philadelphia and asked
       for a demonstration.  Keely placed a block of quartz   on  a  table,
       the disintegrator was  touched  to  the  surface  and within a short
       time, a pile of dust was all that remained.

       Needless to say, the businessmen were very excited about the process
       and asked if Keely could do this at a place of their choosing. Keely
       said yes.  The businessmen offered  to each pay Keely a check in the
       amount of $1000.00  if  the  experiment worked at a  site  of  their

       Within the next  few weeks, a site had been selected.  This site was
       a relatively worthless mine which had a very low yield.  In other

                                      Page 1

       words, the cost of mining and processing the quartz was much greater
       than the amount of gold which could be extracted (by normal means).

       The site was  a  quartz vein in the side of a mountain.  Keely asked
       that the twelve  businessmen  synchronize   their   watches.     The
       disintegrator was excited and Keely applied the vibrating  plate  to
       the face of  the  quartz  vein.  Instantly a fine dust began falling
       wherever the plate was touched.

       Moving the disintegrator in an ever  widening circular motion, Keely
       created a hole  in  the quartz about four feet in diameter.   As  he
       proceeded to walk  into  the  vein, the businessmen marvelled at the
       exhibition of such a superior mining technology.

       After about 15 minutes, Keely came out of the hole which he had just
       bored into the now exposed vein.  When measured, it was roughly four
       feet wide and almost twenty feet deep into the side of the mountain.

       On entering the passage, the businessmen picked up the small threads
       of unaffected gold which had earlier  been  suspended in the bulk of
       the quartz and now lay on the floor.

       Keely received twelve checks, each in the amount of $1000.00 for his

       The twelve businessmen thanked him and immediately  returned  to New
       York.  On their  arrival,  they immediately began purchasing all the
       most worthless gold mining stock they could lay their hands on.

       Now, many smaller investors tend to  watch the bigger guys hoping to
       copy their actions and make a profit.  This is done  even  when they
       don't have the whole picture.

       In this case,  many small investors also began to buy worthless gold
       mining stocks.  After several months,  nothing else happened and the
       small investors began  to  worry.   After  about a year,  the  small
       investors had to  sell  their  purchases  for  pennies on the dollar
       since they were not in on the Keely  Disintegrator  secret and could
       not afford to wait like the more wealthy investors could.

       When Keely ran into trouble with the investors in  the  Keely  Motor
       Company, he was  ordered by a court to reveal all his secrets to the
       Company investors.  In a fit of rage,  Keely  destroyed  the  Quartz
       Disintegrator along with many other one of a kind devices  which  he
       had constructed over a period of many years.

       As a result  of  this,  Keely  was never again able to duplicate the
       Quartz Disintegrator although  he  stated  in  later  life  that  he
       understood it to a point that he could if he so desired.


                       >>>  The Harmony of the Spheres  <<<

       Keely had the honor of exhibiting his Musical Globe  at  the World's
       Fair in the  late  1880's.  The Musical Globe was a spherical device
       which had one side painted white and the other painted black.

       When properly tuned, it could be excited by the simple act of

                                      Page 2

       playing a harmonica.   This  would  cause  the  Globe to slowly spin
       under its own  power  which  was  derived  from  an  arrangement  of
       vibrating components within the sphere.

       John Jacob Astor  and  his  entourage  were  visiting   the  various
       exhibits and had  seen little of novelty or interest.  However, they
       did find Keely's exhibit intriguing.

       Keely immediately recognized who  Mr.  Astor  was (and the extent of
       his fortune) and spoke with him in private.  Keely  told  Mr.  Astor
       that the "good stuff" was in his laboratory and he would be only too
       happy to demonstrate  a  fascinating  experiment  if Mr. Astor could
       manage to visit the lab.

       Being bored with the rest of the  fair,  Mr.  Astor  decided to take
       Keely up on the offer and went to the lab.

       Now there is  a  picture  taken  in Keely's lab which  has  been  of
       interest since we   first  saw  it.   There  is  no  description  or
       explanation of what the device is  but  this  story  seems  to  have
       something relating to it, as you can clearly see when looking at the
       device in the photo.

       Shown is a  large  metal  sphere supported in a circular  ring.   An
       outer ring surrounds  the  inner  and  supports  a number of various
       sized smaller spheres.

       Keely asked that Mr. Astor stand  back  and  watch closely.  He then
       went to one of his compound devices and began making adjustments.

       When the syren or whatever type of excitation he used  was  engaged,
       the large sphere  began  to  slowly  spin  on its axis in the inside

       Within minutes, the smaller spheres each began to spin on their axis
       at rates proportionate to their diameter.   In addition, the smaller
       spheres began to orbit the larger central sphere.   The smaller ones
       spun faster, the larger ones slower, and all seemed to be related to
       the large sphere spinning on its axis in the center ring.

       After a few  minutes  of this, the large sphere began to slowly rise
       into the air and with it, the smaller  spheres  also  rose,  all the
       while spinning on their own axis and orbiting the large sphere.

       There seemed to  be  some  sort of equator generated  by  the  large
       sphere which supported the smaller spheres.

       At a certain  spot, the large sphere stopped rising and continued to
       spin while the smaller spheres of varying size began to fan out.

       Each reached a specific orbit which appeared to be a DIRECT ANALOGUE
       to our SOLAR SYSTEM.

       Just picture this, Keely standing  there operating his machine, John
       Astor standing with  his  mouth  open, both of them   watching  this
       miniature version of the solar system floating about the room.

       Astor reached up  and grabbed hold of one of the smaller globes.  It
       held him off the floor and continued to orbit about the central

                                      Page 3

       sphere with no   diminution  of  speed  or  height,  Astor  laughing
       gleefully as he spun about the room.

       He eventually let go and walked over  to Keely to ask about how this
       miracle was done.  Keely said that he had indeed modelled  the solar
       system and that  each  sphere  was  harmonically related in size and
       frequency to the planets and sun of our system.

       When his instrument was properly  adjusted  and  excited,  a natural
       sympathetic response was  generated  in  each  of   the  spheres  to
       generate the same effect which makes the worlds move.

       Astor asked what  would  happen  if  one of the spheres were to lose
       control.  Keely assured him that the chance of this happening was as
       remote as if one of the planets in  our  system  were to drop out of

       However, Keely had anticipated such a problem and an  experiment had
       been done to  see  what  the effect might be.  An enharmonious chord
       was set in to the compound instrument  which  would cause the sphere
       representing the Earth to lose its "tether" to our central sun.

       When the chord  was  played,  the  Earth sphere slowly  moved  in  a
       straight line, creating  a  hole  through  the  wall  of the lab and
       disappeared from site.

       Seconds later, Keely readjusted the  machine  to  an orderly pattern
       which caused the sphere to retrace its path and return to the proper

       The movie "Explorers" with the electrical point in space is the best
       demonstration of this effect that we have come across.

       Astor was dumbfounded by the entire experience.  We  have no further
       information on this  particular story, so we don't know if Keely got
       funding or whatever.


       If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
       this paper covers, please upload to  KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
       Sciences address as listed on the first page.  Thank  you  for  your
       consideration, interest and support.

          Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                            Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189

    Catalog of Books and Materials available from Dale Pond at :

                    Delta Spectrum Research, Inc.
                    1309 N. Chestnut
                    Colorado Springs, CO 80905
                    (719) 473-8852

  Keely and His Discoveries
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.   The most authoritative biography
    of John Ernst Worrell Keely and his work.  Written by the woman
    whofinanced his work for over ten years and perhaps understood
    Keely better than anyone else.  374 pages, spiral bound.
                                                 B0001488 $17.75

  A Remarkable Book and its Teachings
    WentworthLascelles-Scott.A very good review (but more than a
    review) of the above book, 17 pages.
                                                 B0002488 $2.55

  Keely's Secrets
    Dale Pond.  A collection of contemporary articles revealing the
    exoteric significance of Keely's work. Contains many photos,
    expanded and retypset.  A fine work.
                                                 B0001689 $11.95

  Keely - Pictures of His Discoveries
    Anonymous.  Printed from original drawings and photos mysteriously
    appearing in Sweden about 30 years ago - and just as mysteriously
    disappearing again.  54 pictures and charts detailing Keely's work
    and discoveries.
                                                 B0003488 $24.00

  The Snell Manuscript
    C.W. Snell.  This single book contains more on Keely's scientific
    work than any other found to date. Derived from books he had
    written himself - this is a treasure trove of his explanations of
    his own work. over 200 pages.
                                                 B0006488 $29.95

  Aerial Navigation
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Discussion on the future of air
    transportation years before the Wright brothers.  Keely's
    acoustical levitation system was being perfected for this purpose.
                                                 P0030488 $1.50

  Newton of the Mind
    The Propellor of Keely's Airship Described Bloomfield-Moore.  His
    propellor is similar to the present day ion drive systems.  Keely
    claimed his propellor would propel a ship at 300 mph.
                                                 P0029488 $2.70

  Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
    by John Keely.  Keely's own words discussing his system of
    acoustical levitation.
                                                 P0031488 $0.95

  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Vol. 1
    Delta Spectrum Research, Inc.
    10/85 - 9/86
                                                 JD001488 $24.00

  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Vol. 2
    Delta Spectrum Research, Inc.
    10/86 - 9/87
                                                 JD002488 $24.00

  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Vol. 3
    Delta Spectrum Research, Inc.
    10/87 - 9/88
                                                 JD003488 $24.00

  Two Poems to John Keely
    Robert Browning, dedicated to Keely and his struggles.
                                                 P0001488 $1.65

  Propositions of Geometry
    John Keely.  Excellant work detailing the relationships between
    triangles and circles demonstrating the quadrature of the circle.
                                                 P0002488 $0.95

  Keely's Musical Sphere
    Dale Pond. The construction and theory, in Keely's own words, of
    how the musical rotating sphere was built and operated.
                                                 P0002689 $2.95

  Propositions of Astronomical Circles
    John Keely.   An excellant paper detailing the relationships of
    planetary properties (orbits, sizes, etc.).
                                                 P0003488 $0.45

  The Laws of Being
    Professor Daniel G. Brinton.   An expository paper on how and what
    Keely did by a reknown scientist.
                                                 P0004488 $0.60

  Keely Motor Company - By-Laws
    Copy of the original by-laws of The Keely Motor Company.
                                                 P0005488 $1.65

  Collier's Letter to Scientific American
    Charles Collier, Keely's patent attorney.  A very good down-to-
    earth rebuttal to their irresponsible articles blasting Keely. 17
                                                 P0006488  $2.55

  Report of Charles Collier on The Keely Motor Company
    Charles Collier.  Mr. Collier gives an excellant status report to
    the stockholders.
                                                 P0007488 $2.40

  Keely's Contribution to Science
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Written by this extremely well
    educated woman revealing some of Keely's work and its impact on
                                                 P0008488 $1.95

  Keely's Present Position
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  A progress report on Keely's
    efforts to complete his work.  6 pages.
                                                 P0009488 $0.95

  Mr. Keely's Etheric Force
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Explanatory paper examining
    Keely's etheric force, how it is developed and what he did with
                                                 P0010488 $0.95

  The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Keely discovered that all forces
    manifest in a vortex motion.  This paper gives some background on
    that discovery.
                                                 P0011488 $0.45

  Keely Motor Company - Minority Report to Stockholders
    John H. Lorimer.  The famous report that exposed the inner
    workings of the company.
                                                 P0012488 $6.50

  The Dogmatism of Science
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  This paper explains why
    contemporary science could not and would not accept Keely's
    scientific discoveries.
                                                 P0013488 $1.50

  A Newly Discovered Law of Physics
    Stephen Allen.  Discussion of Keely's discoveries and their
    meaning in the evolvement of scientific pursuit.  10 pages.
                                                 P0014488 $1.50

  What is Science?
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Is science adherance to dogma or
    acceptance of new possibilities?
                                                 P0015488 $1.80

  Some Truths about Keely
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Setting the record straight about
    Keely in face of unwarranted slanders.  6 pages.
                                                 P0016488 $0.95

  The Veil Withdrawn
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  Expository paper revealing the
    connection of Keely's work to the ancient mysteries. 13 pages.
                                                 P0017488 $2.75

  Operation of the Vibratory Circuit
    John Keely.  Keely describing how the circuit of vibration energy
    was developed and operated and what he did with it.
                                                 P0018488 $2.00

  The Keely Motor Secret
    Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore.  An exploratory paper into the whys
    and what fors of his motor secrets.
                                                 P0091488 $1.50

  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - A Compendium of Terms & Phrases
    by Dale Pond.  Over 200 pages and 1300 terms, phrases and quotes
    from this fantastic science.  This is the only reference book for
    the New Age sciences.  Contains quotes from Keely, Tesla, Moray,
    Cayce, Reich and many other avante garde scientists.
                                                 B0007189 $29.95

  Harmonies of Tones and Colors
    Mrs. Fitzgerald Hughes.  Mrs. Hughes was Charles Darwin's grand-
    niece.  When presented with the book he stated it did not conflict
    with his theories of evolution.  Keely claimed this book, more
    than any other, explained the role of music evolution in physics.
    Copies of this book were sent to every known university at the
    time because of its value.
                                                 B0007488 $16.95

  The Scientific Basis and Build of Music
    Douglas Carmichael Ramsay.  Bloomfield-Moore indicated this book
    was extremely important to understanding what Keely was doing.
    Mr. Ramsay gives the background analysis of how musical scales are
    evolved.  Contains many charts, diagrams and drawings illustrating
    his methodology.
                                                 B0008488 $18.15

  The Music of the Spheres
    Mary Proctor.  A very good paper relating music to natural events.
                                                 P0020488 $0.95


-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

demarem@clutx.clarkson.edu (Michael J. de Mare,,,5189932431) (04/25/91)

From article <8791@crash.cts.com>, by benno@crash.cts.com (Benno Eichmann):
> In short, it was all burried by the powers to be?
> Possibly by members of the Masonic or similar connected "New World Order"
> types, like George Bush `The Order' of `49.

It seems to me that the lack of reproducibilty of his work and the
devices under his floors are fairly good evidence of fraud.  I am
afraid that people are far too quick to cry conspiracy.


Crime does not pay ... as well as politics.
		-- A. E. Neuman

grimm@eecae.ee.msu.edu (Jerry Michael Grimm) (04/26/91)

Just my two bits on John Keely:

Aether?  Aether?  Aether?

{Next ten minutes of side-splitting laughter deleted}
{next five minutes of lines like "What incredible bulls**t

Unfortunately, the idea of aether was disproved by experiments 
of Michaelson and Morley, which are REPRODUCIBLE in a lab.  Also,
General Relativity invalidates aether (or is it special relativity,
I forget, I'm only an electrical engineer, not a physicist), and 
again, these are reproducible.

I'll take the reproducible evidence any day.

Mike Grimm

jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Jeremy Reimer) (04/28/91)

grimm@eecae.ee.msu.edu (Jerry Michael Grimm) writes:

> Just my two bits on John Keely:
> Aether?  Aether?  Aether?
> {Next ten minutes of side-splitting laughter deleted}
> {next five minutes of lines like "What incredible bulls**t
> deleted}
> Unfortunately, the idea of aether was disproved by experiments
> of Michaelson and Morley, which are REPRODUCIBLE in a lab.  Also,
> General Relativity invalidates aether (or is it special relativity,
> I forget, I'm only an electrical engineer, not a physicist), and
> again, these are reproducible.
> I'll take the reproducible evidence any day.
> Mike Grimm

It's Special Relativity... and I enjoyed a few chuckles over that too.  Amazing
how one can make any sort of post "sound" highly scientifically respectable,
yet the argument can be waved off with one obvious error.

. . . . . ._)_--_              \|/
 . . . . / *    ]\            -=*=-     Look out! The black stuntship's about
  . . . =___    __|            /|\           to crash into the sun!
Jeremy Reimer, aka   =====jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca===== Sunny Vancouver BC
The Jaguar.  The Car ==================================== Canada, where it's
the Cat, the Lunatic    George: What time is it?          fun, fun, fun...
--------------------    Edmund: Three o'clock in the      ------------------

gary@ism.isc.com (Gary Swift) (05/01/91)

In article <Z8i412w164w@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca> jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Jeremy Reimer) writes:
>grimm@eecae.ee.msu.edu (Jerry Michael Grimm) writes:
>> Aether?  Aether?  Aether?
>> {Next ten minutes of side-splitting laughter deleted}
>> Mike Grimm
>It's Special Relativity... and I enjoyed a few chuckles over that too.
>Jeremy Reimer, aka   =====jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca===== Sunny Vancouver BC

Boy are you guys gonna feel dumb if that missing 80% of the 
universe or dark matter turns out to be aether.

Gary Swift, INTERACTIVE Systems Corp., Santa Monica, Ca., (213) 453 8649
internet: gary@ism.isc.com

jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Jeremy Reimer) (05/02/91)

gary@ism.isc.com (Gary Swift) writes:

> In article <Z8i412w164w@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca> jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Jere
> >grimm@eecae.ee.msu.edu (Jerry Michael Grimm) writes:
> >> Aether?  Aether?  Aether?
> >> {Next ten minutes of side-splitting laughter deleted}
> >> Mike Grimm
> >
> >It's Special Relativity... and I enjoyed a few chuckles over that too.
> >Jeremy Reimer, aka   =====jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca===== Sunny Vancouver BC
> Boy are you guys gonna feel dumb if that missing 80% of the
> universe or dark matter turns out to be aether.
> :-)
> Gary Swift, INTERACTIVE Systems Corp., Santa Monica, Ca., (213) 453 8649
> internet: gary@ism.isc.com

Actually I'm convinced the missing matter (It's more like 99% the mass of the
universe) simply fell behind my fridge, and I haven't the desire to go look for

Of course, the "aether" was just a construction of the mind - it should never
have been taken seriously in the first place.  The idea was that it would be
1) Completely permeable to material objects, AND
2) Infinitely rigid in order to support light properly.

No one figured a way out of the contradiction 'till good ol' Albert did away
with it once and for all.

Perhaps, like Dirk Gently, I ought to simply buy a new fridge.  :)

. . . . . ._)_--_              \|/
 . . . . / *    ]\            -=*=-     Look out! The black stuntship's about
  . . . =___    __|            /|\           to crash into the sun!
           "----      ====================================
Jeremy Reimer, aka    =====jaguar@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca=====   Sunny Vancouver BC

The Jaguar.  The Car  ====================================   Canada, where it's

the Cat, the Lunatic  George: What time is it?               fun, fun, fun...

harkcom@spinach.pa.yokogawa.co.jp (Alton Harkcom) (05/13/91)

In article <1991Apr26.001319.652@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> grimm@eecae.ee.msu.edu
   (Jerry Michael Grimm) writes:

 =}Unfortunately, the idea of aether was disproved by experiments 
 =}of Michaelson and Morley, which are REPRODUCIBLE in a lab.

   True, the Michaelson Morley experiment proves that there is no aether.

 =}  Also,
 =}General Relativity invalidates aether (or is it special relativity,
 =}I forget, I'm only an electrical engineer, not a physicist),

   Relativity doesn't invalidate the proposition that there is an aether,
it is one of the proven conditions which leads to the theory of relativity.
