[comp.unix.aix] RS/6000 Specs

mdapoz@hybrid.uucp (Mark Dapoz) (02/17/90)

Here's a summary table from one of the official IBM announcement letters for the
new line of RISC machines and the X terminal:

Performance values shown in the following table were obtained in a controlled  
environment based on the use of specific data, and therefore the results which  
may  be obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly.  Each  
user should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.          
(21) VAX is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.                       
  COMPARISON TABLE                                                              
                   Xstation   RISC System/6000 Family                           
  Model                 120     320    520     530    730     930     540       
  Configuration        Desk-    Desk-  Desk-   Desk-  Desk-   Rack    Desk-     
                        top     top*10 side    side   side            side      
    Standard (MB)       0.5        8      8      16     16      16      64      
    Maximum (MB)        8.5       32    128     128    128     128     256      
  Internal DASD                                                                 
    Standard (MB)         0      120    355     355    355     670     640      
    Maximum (MB)          0      640  2,571   2,571  2,571  11,998   2,571      
  Available Adapter Slots 0        4      7       7      6       7       7      
  Parallel Port           1        1      1       1      1       0       1      
  Serial Ports            1        2      2       2      2       2       2      
  -LINPACK DP (MF)*2      -      7.4    7.4    10.9   10.9    10.9    13.0      
  -Dhrystones (K/SEC)*3   -     48.3   48.3    60.7   60.7    60.7    72.2      
  -MIPS *4                -     27.5   27.5    34.5   34.5    34.5    41.1      
    Lines (K/SEC)*6                                                             
     Grayscale Graphics*5         72     72      76     76       -      -       
     Color Graphics*5            125    125     131    131       -      -       
    2D Vectors (K/SEC)*7                                                        
     High Performance 8-Bit                                                     
       3D Color Graphics*5        90     90      90     90       -      -       
     POWERstation 730 Graphics*5                       990                      
    3D Vectors (K/SEC)*7                                                        
     High Performance 8-Bit                                                     
       3D Color Graphics*5        90     90      90     90       -      -       
     POWERstation 730 Graphics*8                       990(est)                 
    3D Polygons (K/SEC)*9                                                       
     High Performance 8-Bit                                                     
       3D Color Graphics*5        10     10      10     10       -      -       
     POWERstation 730 Graphics*5                       120                      
  *1 Values shown here are the results of engineering test-level systems.       
     While these values should be indicative of generally-available             
     systems, no warranties or guarantees are stated or implied by IBM.         
  *2 All Fortran Linpack (no coded BLAS) results are in millions of             
     floating-point operations per second (MF).                                 
  *3 Values are in thousands of Dhrystones/sec using Version 1.1.               
  *4 MIPS values are computed using the RISC System/6000 Dhrystone 1.1 results  
  *5 Graphics values reflect the results of hardware test measurements.         
     System-level measurements will be available at a later date.               
  *6 Lines are connected, randomly oriented, 10 pixel lines in screen           
     integer coordinates.                                                       
  *7 Vectors are randomly oriented 10 pixel polylines in floating-point         
     coordinates, transformed, scaled and clip tested.                          
  *8 Values are estimates of hardware test measurements.                        
  *9 Polygons are 50 pixel Gouraud shaded triangle mesh in floating-point       
  *10 This desktop model can also be oriented for floor-standing operation.     
  Mark Dapoz  (mdapoz@hybrid.UUCP)  ...uunet!mnetor!hybrid!mdapoz

I remind you that humans are only a tiny minority in this galaxy.
	   -- Spock, "The Apple," stardate 3715.6.