[comp.unix.aix] RT/RIOS/6000/SUX

dyer@spdcc.COM (Steve Dyer) (02/17/90)

In article <9038@stiatl.UUCP> meo@stiatl.UUCP (Miles O'Neal) writes:
>3) Most recent nearly-personal case in point - AIX for the PS-2/80 is
>   broke. IBM finally admitted it today at their product announcement.
>   If the poor souls who've been saddled with a certain Sun->PS port
>   will just hold their breath a while longer, the next release of
>   AIX will really, really, REALLY work *this* time, for sure.

You've got a bit of explaining to do if you want anyone to consider
your article as anything other than empty yammering.  How is AIX PS/2 "broke"?
And whatever does the RIOS product announcement have to do with that?
If you can elaborate on your experience which led you to believe this,
it would be useful information to us all.

Having used AIX PS/2 for a year now, I wouldn't begin to make such a claim.
It seems like a pretty reasonable merged BSD/SysV OS.

Steve Dyer
dyer@ursa-major.spdcc.com aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer
dyer@arktouros.mit.edu, dyer@hstbme.mit.edu