[comp.unix.aix] mkfs / lots if inodes

tim@tse.uucp (Tim Brecht) (02/23/90)

	I'm running AIX 2.2.1 on an RT.

	I'd like to create a filesystem with a large number of inodes
	(can you say news :-).

	The manual says:
	# mkfs device blocks:inodes

	This works fine until the number of inodes > 32000.
	Mkfs will only allow me to create a filesystem with 
	AT MOST 32000 nodes (even if I specify more).

	/usr/include/sys/types.h tells me :
	typedef unsigned short  ushort;
	typedef ushort		ino_t;

	So I should be able to create a filesystem with 2^16-1 inodes
	except mkfs won't let me ! Argh.
	Has anyone figured out a way around this one ? :-(


Tim Brecht                   tim@tse.uucp
Toronto Stock Exchange       uunet!geac!tse!tim
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

webb@bass.tcspa.ibm.com (Bill Webb) (03/02/90)

> 	I'm running AIX 2.2.1 on an RT.
> 	I'd like to create a filesystem with a large number of inodes
> 	Has anyone figured out a way around this one ? :-(
> tim

I remember we encountered this problem when we tried to create a
filesystem with a directory with 38,000 files in it. We eventually
ended up using NFS to access a BSD 4.3 system that allowed essentially
unlimited numbers of inodes (this may not be feasable if all you have
is one or more AIX system). It seems to me that in playing around with
mkfs that we found that you could specify a larger number of inodes by
using a prototype file (but I'm not 100% sure). It would probably be
worthwhile giving it a try. Other than that all I can suggest is using
multiple filesystems mounted to look like a single filesystem. On our news
system this would be reasonable as there are several large directories
that can be put into separate filesystems (e.g. comp, gnu, alt, rec, soc).

Bill Webb (IBM AWD Paloalto, T465-4457, (415) 855-4457).
VNET: webb@paloalto   UUCP: ...!uunet!ibmsupt!webb