steve@qe2.uucp (Steve DeJarnett) (07/06/90)
In article <> (Peter Blemel) writes: >[I] bought AIX, and the >3 user AIX upgrade (I hate >this n user pricing scheme). Well, you have AT&T to thank for this. IBM has to pay AT&T royalties (or something along those lines) for every copy of AIX we sell. The amount we pay AT&T is based on the number of users the system is licensed for. Other vendors may hide this price in the overall system price. We tell you and let you choose how many users you need. Offhand I know of at least 2 other companies who do the same. Hope that clears it up a little. >Peter Blemel >Management Sciences, Inc. Steve DeJarnett Internet: IBM AWD Palo Alto UUCP: ibmsupt! (415) 855-3510 VNET: dejarnet at ausvmq These opinions are my own. I doubt IBM wants them.......