eoshough@nmsu.edu (Erik OShoughnessy) (08/27/90)
I tried mailing directly to Mark Brown, but it doesn't seem that our computers are talking. :) Mark Brown says: >sys/types.h should most definitely be there, one shouldn't leave home >without it...is the file actuallly *missing*, or are you saying that the >file is there, and the error is bogus? The file is *not* there or anywhere on in the darn things file system. I've checked upteen-million times, and I can't find it anywhere. The compiler is perfectly correct in insisting that sys/types.h does not exist as far as I can tell. Since it's supposed to be there, would some kind soul please mail me the wayward animal? Thanks in advance.. ps: Thanks to Mark Brown for answering on a Sunday, no less. -- _____________________________________________________________________________ ~ | Erik O'Shaughnessy |\/\/\/| ~ | Small Systems | | ~ | New Mexico State University | * | ~ o========== | Las Cruces, NM USA | (x)(x) |_|==== | eoshough@dante.nmsu.edu C _) === |------------------------------------ | ,___| === |"Do not follow the NULL pointer, | / | for that path leads to chaos, /____\ Die Bart! Die! | and madness." - me | \ | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------