I am new to AIX UNIX so please bear with me if this is a simple minded question. I do alot of large scale scientific modeling on an IBM 3090/600S supercomputer at the University of Utah. Recently, I have had the pleasure of using a new IBM RISC/6000 workstation running AIX. The folks at the supercomputing institute have now made the 3090 available running AIX, but it won't process the really large jobs. My question is, are there any subroutines out there which one can make calls to MVS from within AIX? Thanks...CRAYJOHN@CC.UTAH.EDU....Chris R. Johnson, Dept. of Internal Medicine
scw@ollie.SEAS.UCLA.EDU (09/15/90)
In article <> writes: >I am new to AIX UNIX so please bear with me if this is a simple minded >question. I do alot of large scale scientific modeling on an IBM 3090/600S >supercomputer at the University of Utah. Recently, I have had the pleasure >of using a new IBM RISC/6000 workstation running AIX. The folks at the >supercomputing institute have now made the 3090 available running AIX, but >it won't process the really large jobs. My question is, are there any >subroutines out there which one can make calls to MVS from within AIX? Unlikley, (1)AIX runs as a VM{XA,SP} guest not as an MVS guest. (2) there is no way that I know of to use the even the VM/SP calls. (3) What would you be interested in using from MVS/VM anyway? I/O? some obscure SVC? You'll find that you can increase the allowable size of jobs on AIX/370 if the Virtual machine (VM) is an XA virtual machine (that is if /bin/xa370 returns 0). Compile with the -xa option (actually you only need it during the link phase). <scw> ----- Stephen C. Woods; UCLA SEASNET; 2567 BH;LA CA 90024; (213)-825-8614 UUCP: ...!{ibmsupt,hao!cepu}!ollie}!scw Internet:scw@SEAS.UCLA.EDU