[comp.unix.aix] DECwindow vs AIXwindow problem

ichihara@rkna50.riken.go.jp (Takashi Ichihara) (09/26/90)

   After posting following article to the news group, I have received
many suggestions and comments.

>>   In creating a xterm(aixterm) from IBM Power Station 530 [AIX 3.1 +
>>AIXwindow - X11R3 compliant] to a VAX Station 3100 [VAX/VMS V5.3-1 +
>>DECwindow - X11R3 compliant + CMU TCP/IP Transport], xterm command 
>>terminates with following error at the client (IBM):
>>   $ xterm -display rikvs1:0
>>   aixterm: BadValue, integer parameter out of range for operation
>>   Request code 1, minor code 2, serial #70, resource id -2
>>   IOT/Abort trap
>>   $  

murphy@ufp.dco.dec.com writes
>Well, request code 1 (according to xproto.h) is a create window call.
>According to the manual, XCreateWindow can generate BadValue, but it doesn't
>describe why. My guess is that the window size it's requesting is too small
>(or possibly too large). Perhaps a font that it's expecting isn't present on
>the VMS system.

ea08+@andrew.cmu.EDU"  writes
>It is likely that Decwindows is running a more R4 compliant server, and
>the R4 server is more picky than the R3 one was.
>This leads to messages like the one you saw, BadValue ones.

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) writes
>I suggest you try running aixterm through xscope in verbose mode, and
>see what the detailed values in the failing CreateWindow request are.
>Some attribute should have a value of -2.  See what the protocol
>specification has to say about this attribute.  That will tell you
>where the bug lies.

  Today, I have succeeded to run the xscope in the Space Station and
succeeded to obtain the X-protocol trace. The problem lies in the
Request of Create Window from IBM Power Station;

	             Request (fd 4): 01 00 00 0a 00 60 00 1b 00 60 00 07 00 00 
01 49 01 e2 ff fe 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 
	 ............REQUEST: CreateWindow
	     sequence number: 72
	               depth: 00
	      request length: 000a
	                 wid: WIN 0060001b
	              parent: WIN 00600007
	                   x: 0
	                   y: 329
	               width: 01e2
 ----->               height: fffe
	        border-width: 0001
	               class: CopyFromParent
	              visual: CopyFromParent
	          value-mask: background-pixel | border-pixel
		    background-pixel: 00000003
		        border-pixel: 00000004


In requesting a CreateWindow from Power Station to VAXstation, IBM
requested the CreateWindow with argument  "hight"= -2 (fffe) and
DEC denied this. This is the problem of the DECwindow-AIXwindow system 
and I hope this will be fixed soon.  At last, I can sleep well tonight  !

   Thank you very mcuh for many usefull commments and sugestions.
  	 Takashi Ichihara
         RIKEN  (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
         2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, 351-01 Japan
         (Internet)  Ichihara@RIK835.riken.go.jp