[comp.unix.aix] What does this mean???

peter@msinc.msi.com (Peter Blemel) (10/26/90)

First, do not 'R'eply to this, the path is wrong. See my signature for the
correct path.

Upon linking a very small program under 3001 (48mb ram, 128mb page):

	cc -g -I../include main.o ytab.o lexyy.o scanaux.o memory.o math.o symbol.o predobject.o debug.o -o new_pred -L../lib -lrb
0706-971 INTERNAL ERROR:  LINKS: The number of ESDs processed exceeds
			the expected total ESDs.
1254-004  The error code from the last failed command is 12.

Make Quitting.

I realize that this isn't enough data to determine what caused it, but if I
know the circumstances that must exist for it to happen, maybe I can figure
out what's wrong. Meanwhile I'll try commenting any suspicious looking code
and keep you posted.


peter@msinc.msi.com (Peter Blemel) (10/26/90)

I have the offending code in hand. I guess the real question is :
	Is this illegal or has the compiler generated wrong code?

Remember the mail address is wrong, should be :

Script command is started on Thu Oct 25 19:57:01 1990
peter@cassandra[1] .../Cpred/cc % touch eeep.c
peter@cassandra[2] .../Cpred/cc % make eeep
    cc -g -I../include  eeep.c -o eeep
0706-971 INTERNAL ERROR:  LINKS: The number of ESDs processed exceeds
            the expected total ESDs.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 12.

Make Quitting.
peter@cassandra[4] .../Cpred/cc % cat eeep.c
# define    HELP_ENTRIES    3

    typedef struct _help {
        char    *key;
        char    *text[];
    } HELP_TEXT;

    /* I've trimmed this down to a small subset of the data so that
    ** the problem/solution might be clearer.
    HELP_TEXT       help_text[HELP_ENTRIES] = {
        "help", {"Display help on a topic.",
                "\tSyntax : help subject"},
        "use", {"Request that predictor import a file into the current system",
                "\tSyntax : use \"filename\""},
        "stop", {"Terminate C-Predictor immediately.",
                "\tSyntax : stop"}

    /* display_help, and topic have been made into a main and a fixed
    ** string for illustration purposes. They were originally
    ** display_help(topic) char *topic; { body of help code } 
    ** char    *topic = "stop";

	/* Minimal code to cause it to fail. */
    printf ("Eeep Eeep Eeep\n");
peter@cassandra[5] .../Cpred/cc % ^D
Script command is complete on Thu Oct 25 19:57:17 1990
