[comp.unix.aix] RS/6000 admin for UUCP

dwatts@ki.UUCP (Dan Watts) (11/06/90)

I ran into a slight problem getting a UUCP account configured on my
RS/6000 and was wondering if anyone else has had similar problems.
The first problem I ran into, was that smit wouldn't let me designate
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico as the initial program.  Smit would give me an
error that the choice was invalid.  I ended up having to select /bin/ksh,
exit smit, and then edit /etc/passwd and change the /bin/ksh to what
I wanted.  Renetering smit showed that the change was affective.
The next problem I found was that when a uucp account logs in, I get
/etc/motd displayed on the screen!  Is there anyway to disable this
(other than renaming motd which is what I've done for the time being)?

On a related note, is there a way to create a new user with a group
other than the default?  When I create a user and then change the group
id to what I want, I then have to manually fix the home directory that
smit created and all the files in it to have the correct group id.

# CompuServe: >INTERNET:uunet.UU.NET!ki!dwatts    Dan Watts         #
# UUCP      : ...!{uunet | wgc386}!ki!dwatts      Ki Research, Inc. #
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boote@bierstadt.scd.ucar.edu (11/06/90)

In article <880@ki.UUCP>, dwatts@ki.UUCP (Dan Watts) writes:
> On a related note, is there a way to create a new user with a group
> other than the default?  When I create a user and then change the group
> id to what I want, I then have to manually fix the home directory that
> smit created and all the files in it to have the correct group id.

The same thing happens if you change a users uid.  This is really annoying.
If there is an option to change a users uid or gid in smit then smit should
change all of that users files as well.

Jeff W. Boote                   SCD/NCAR
boote@ncar.ucar.edu           Boulder, Colo