[comp.unix.aix] Anyone get ELM to compile on RS/6000 ??

dwatts@ki.UUCP (Dan Watts) (11/09/90)

Has anyone been successful in getting ELM to compile on the IBM RS/6000?
I ported 2.3pl6 a while back, but I did it by editting all the files
that wouldn't compile (there were a lot!).  Anyway, I'd like to rev up
to pl8 but don't look forward to doing all the edits again.  The following
is what happens when I try the make:

% make
        cd src; /bin/make - all
        /bin/chmod u+w ../hdrs/defs.h
        /bin/touch ../hdrs/defs.h
        /bin/chmod u+w ../hdrs/headers.h
        /bin/touch ../hdrs/headers.h
        cc   -I../hdrs    -c addr_util.c
       49 | char *strtok(), *strcpy(), *strcat(), *strncpy(), *index(), 
    1506-041: (S) Parameter list cannot contain fewer parameters than required by macro  definition.
1254-004  The error code from the last failed command is 1.

Make Quitting.
1254-004  The error code from the last failed command is 1.

Make Quitting.

The problem appears to be that CC doesn't like the redeclaration of
'char *strok()' and all the rest.  If you put in lines of code like:

 char * someroutine();
 char * someroutine();

it will error on the second declaration just like it does above.
Is there some compiler switch that will make the compiler accept this?
# CompuServe: >INTERNET:uunet.UU.NET!ki!dwatts    Dan Watts         #
# UUCP      : ...!{uunet | wgc386}!ki!dwatts      Ki Research, Inc. #
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