[fa.info-vax] DCLTABLES changes

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (03/15/85)


SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE is INSTALLed as a shared image.  When you create
a new version via SET COMMAND, you must also INSTALL this new version.

When your process was created, LOGINOUT decided what CLI and command tables
to map into your address space based upon the data in SYSUAF and/or what
you told it to do.  The version of the command tables (usually DCLTABLES;
who uses MCR ?) which was mapped by LOGINOUT when your process was created
will remain there for the life of your process.  To have new commands you've
added to SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE become available to your process you
have two options:

        1.  Log out and log back in again.  This will map the fresh copy pof
            (of) SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE into your P1 space.
        2.  Use SET COMMAND to update the current copy of DCLTABLES in your
            address space (i.e. - omit the /Tables and /Output qualifiers).

I don't believe that the documentation for V3 or V4 explicitly states that
you must re-INSTALL SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE and log out and back in again
to remap the fresh copy.  However, this has been the behavior of SET COMMAND
since time imemorial.


USPS:   Gerard K. Newman
        Science Applications International
        800 Oak Ridge Turnpike
        Oak Ridge, TN  37830
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