[comp.unix.aix] Exabyte compatatbilities

john@achilles.ua.oz (John Warburton) (11/15/90)

From article <1182@cameron.egr.duke.edu>, by jpe@egr.duke.edu (John P. Eisenmenger):
> WATCH OUT!!  Make sure that any 3rd party tape you buy will work on an
> RS6000!  As it turns out, IBM uses their own firmware in their 8mm drive
> so a "standard" 8mm drive will *not* work.  Whether this will be fixed
> in later revisions of AIX (it supposedly worked in earlier revisions),
> I don't know.
> The moral of this story is that you can't expect your Sun's SCSI 8mm
> drive to work from an RS6000.
I tried to send this before, but I don't think it made it...

I am moving from a site that is running SUNOS and has an exabyte tape drive to
a RS6000 (with exabyte) only site. 

I was wondering if a tape written on the SUNOS exabyte would be readable by the
RS6000 exabyte??

Does anyone have any experience with this, ie what format (tar, dd etc) ??

thanks in advance


John Warburton                          Phone   : +61 8 228 5583
Department of Computer Science          Telex   : UNIVAD AA89141
University of Adelaide                  Fax     : +61 8 223 1206
GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001            ACSnet  : john@cs.ua.oz