[comp.unix.aix] F-18 Flight Simulator

willee@.berkeley.edu (Willy M. Lee) (02/12/91)

I am looking for a military (or conventional) flight simulator for a 
Unix workstation running in Sunview or Xwindows.  I have heard rumors
alluding to the existence of an F-18 simulator.  If anyone knows about

woan@nowhere (Ronald S Woan) (02/13/91)

In article <1991Feb12.025632.19673@agate.berkeley.edu> willee@.berkeley.edu (Willy M. Lee) writes:
>I am looking for a military (or conventional) flight simulator for a 
>Unix workstation running in Sunview or Xwindows.  I have heard rumors
>alluding to the existence of an F-18 simulator.  If anyone knows about

acm 2.0 was just released (check comp.archives or comp.graphics for
deatils) on expo.lcs.mit.edu... If I remember correctly it's an F-16
simulator and looked pretty nice on a Sun 4 with X.

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