info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (04/04/85)
From: Provan@LLL-MFE.ARPA Well, I'm not sure if I seldom get answers because my questions are too hard or too easy, or just because nobody likes me. But since I sometimes do get answers.... From what I can tell, there are only two ways to "abort" an RMS IO once it's started. One is by calling Sys$RMSRunDown (a co-worker claims to be having problems even getting that to abort an outstanding terminal input wait). The other is to issue a $Cancel on the Fab's channel from executive mode, which I assume will work although I haven't tried it yet. Am I missing some normal way of telling RMS to cancel all active IO for a particular Rab or a particular Fab? I'm not real thrilled about giving CMExec privs to user programs and Sys$RMSRunDown will close Fab's I don't want to close.
info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (04/04/85)
From: sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki) I don't know about whether doing a $cancel is the right thing, but if it is, and you need cmexec priv, then you should write your own "system service". Look at the example in sys$examples. Basically you set up a change mode dispatcher in a privleged section that users link against. Marty Sasaki (