info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (04/09/85)
From: engvax!KVC@cit-vax Does anyone out there know how the hell SPAWN decides exactly which privileges the child process is going to inherit from the parent????????????????????????? As far as I can tell (from reading the ufiche), SPAWN does not specify anything in the PRVADR argument to $CREPRC when it creates the process. This means that $CREPRC should use it's default, right? Well, since the manual was useless in this regard, I looked at the code for SYS$CREPRC. As far as I can tell, it gets the privilege mask to build into the created process from the callers privileges in the first quadword of the caller's PHD (PHD$Q_PRVMSK). This, however, does not seem to be what's really happening. I have to be able to run MAIL with SYSPRV and DETACH, so I can specify my own, foreign, MAIL protocol. In order to do this, I created a program which does nothing but SPAWN the magic MAIL/PROTOCOL= command. Now, if I run the program from a privileged account with SYSPRV and DETACH enabled, it works just fine. If, however, I install the image with SYSPRV and DETACH, and run it from an account without SYSPRV and DETACH, nothing happens. This indicates that the image privs are not masked into the PHD priv word, as I thought they were. So, to get around this I put in a call to SYS$SETPRV. Looking at the code to SETPRV, I see that it definitely puts the privs you ask into the PHD priv mask (in addition to the PCB priv mask) and that the IMAGE privs are most definitely included in the mask of privs that you are allowed to enable. This, however, doesn't work either. Finally, in desparation, I tried using the PRMFLG in $SETPRV. AH HAH! success!! Now the privs are copied to the subprocess. Only problem is that PRMFLG does not allow the image privs to be included in the mask of privs that you can enable. This is to prevent installed programs from accidently leaving you with permanent privs. So, we have a catch-22 with $SETPRV. Only permanent privs get copied to the subprocess, but an installed image cannot affect (and rightly so) the privs it's installed with in a permanent fashion. By the way, SETPRV privilege means nothing to the $SETPRV service unless it's in the authorized priv mask. Now, the only difference between setting permanent and temporary privs in the SYS$SETPRV code is that it sets them in CTL$GQ_PROCPRIV in addition to setting them in the PCB and PHD. Yet, SYS$CREPRC does not even reference the symbol CTL$GQ_PROCPRIV!!!! How is it that that affected my SPAWN? Does DCL reset privileges to the CTL mask whenever you do a CLI callback? Any one have any suggestions on how I (safely) allow a non-prived account to SPAWN a process with privileges for just one function? (The non-prived account cannot be used by anyone anyway, so I'm not THAT worried about someone breaking in through it if it only has privs while MAILing. I am too paranoid to authorize it for SYSPRV all the time!). I realize that DEC is making this hard to do because it can be a security hole, on the other hand requiring SYSPRV and DETACH to talk to MAIL with your own protocol makes this necessary. I definitely do NOT want my network account to have SYSPRV and DETACH as authorized privileges, since it (UUCP) isn't real safe. Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if MAIL just checked to see if I had a certain identifier and then I could grant that identifier to the UUCP account, but it seems no one uses identifiers like they should... Oh well... /Kevin Carosso engvax!kvc @ CIT-VAX.ARPA Hughes Aircraft Co.
info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (04/11/85)
From: (Stephen Tihor) <TIHOR@NYU-CMCL1.ARPA> My install priv image code seems under V4 without problem. They all follow a general rule which I developed from observing the system's behavior that at the time of a SPAWN the Images CURRENT PRIVs become the Subprocess's AUTHORIZED PRIVs, while the subprocess's CURRENT Process PRIVs seem ~=~ the spawning processes CURRENT Process PRIVs. Thus if I wished a command procedure to run with privs I would wrap it with an installed image with the appropriate priv and start the command procedure with a SET PROCESS/PRIV command to turn on the appropriate privs. Example: PrivTest.for Program PrivTest call exit ( LIB$SPAWN('@SAFEPLACE:PrivTestC') ) end $ Set NoON $ Show Process/Priv $ Set Process/Priv=all $ Show Process/Priv Compile, link, and install the program with the desired priv. Run it. Examine the output. \\ Stephen Tihor / CIMS / NYU / 251 Mercer Street / New York, NY 10012 // (( DEC Enet: RHEA::DECWRL::"""TIHOR@NYU-CMCL1.ARPA""" NYUnet: TIHOR.CMCL1 )) // ARPAnet: Tihor@NYU-CMCL1 UUCPnet address: ...!ihnp4!cmcl2!cmcl1!tihor \\ -------