[comp.unix.aix] Does AIX have a function like sginap

mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu (John D. McCalpin) (03/08/91)

I am working on a FORTRAN application that needs to sit and wait for
certain data files to be completely written.  The basic loop is

 8888	READ(in_unit,ERR=8888,END=8888) data

This works fine, but uses up lots of system time that would be better
spent by the other process that is supposed to be writing the data!

On the Silicon Graphics machines, there is a nice function called
'sginap(i)' which:
	-- with an argument of 0, will release control to any other
		process with the same or higher priority; or
	-- with an argument i>0, will sleep for 'i' clock ticks.

The modified code segment:
 8888	idummy = sginap(0)
	READ(in_unit,ERR=8888,END=8888) data
runs much more efficiently.

I cannot use the normal 'sleep()' routines, since the actual latencies
involved are much smaller than 1 second, and the OPEN/READ/CLOSE
sequence needs to be done several times per second.

Is this functionality available in a more standard UNIX call?  

Does AIX have this functionality?  This is important, since I really
want to run the application on a network of IBM 320's sharing files
via NFS.
John D. McCalpin			mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu
Assistant Professor			mccalpin@brahms.udel.edu
College of Marine Studies, U. Del.	J.MCCALPIN/OMNET

richard@locus.com (Richard M. Mathews) (03/09/91)

mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu (John D. McCalpin) writes:

>The modified code segment:
>	OPEN(in_unit,....)
> 8888	idummy = sginap(0)
>	READ(in_unit,ERR=8888,END=8888) data
>	CLOSE(in_unit)
>runs much more efficiently.

>I cannot use the normal 'sleep()' routines, since the actual latencies
>involved are much smaller than 1 second, and the OPEN/READ/CLOSE
>sequence needs to be done several times per second.

Any system call should have the property of giving up control to a
higher priority process.  I am almost certain that is true in AIX/370
and AIX PS/2.  I am less certain on the 6000.  Try getpid().  (Or
does sginap go farther and explicitly put you at a low priority?)

Better yet, can you use select()?  This will let you sleep until
there is data available -- no shorter, no longer (ignoring the time
it takes for you to make it to the front of the run queue).

Richard M. Mathews			 Freedom for Lithuania
richard@locus.com				Laisve!

jim@tct.uucp (Jim Kunzman) (03/10/91)

There is indeed a C call which will solve your problem.  It is usleep() and
you can man usleep for the details.  Granularity is microseconds (hence the u),
but I wouldn't bet the accuracy would be much closer than a few milliseconds,
although I could be wrong.  Hope this helps.

Jim Kunzman at Teltronics/TCT     <jim@tct.uucp>, <uunet!pdn!tct!jim>
         !(This space intentionally left blank.)

bengsig@dk.oracle.com (Bjorn Engsig) (03/11/91)

Article <MCCALPIN.91Mar7210817@pereland.cms.udel.edu> by mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu (John D. McCalpin) says:
|'sginap(i)' which:
|	-- with an argument of 0, will release control to any other
|		process with the same or higher priority; or
|	-- with an argument i>0, will sleep for 'i' clock ticks.
|I cannot use the normal 'sleep()' routines, since the actual latencies
|involved are much smaller than 1 second,
You have at least two options that do more or less what you want:

- use usleep(), which is available in C, so you might need a fortran interface,
  but I actually doubt it.  It will sleep for a number of micro seconds.

- Use kernel extensions.  There are a number of kernel extension that handle
  scheduling and related matters.
Bjorn Engsig, ORACLE Corporation, E-mail: bengsig@oracle.com, bengsig@oracle.nl