[comp.unix.aix] Help with RS/6000 Model 730

kerm@mcnc.org (Cary E. Burnette) (03/15/91)


We are trying to install a Model 730 and are having great problems.

Problem #1:

Machine would not boot from the 3001 aix tape or bosboot diskettes made
from other RS/6000's.

Solution #1

Wait for 3003 media to arrive. When it arrived we could boot the machine
and install the bos, but when it was time to reboot the machine would
never reboot, it just sat there with no LED messages <--Problem #2

Solution #2

  ?????????????????. Somepeople think it is hardware and some think it
is software.


What version of the OS are other people running on Model 730. I want to know
which side of IBM I should call.


Cary Burnette (kerm@linus.ncat.edu)

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