[comp.unix.aix] Slimming down a file system

eravin@panix.uucp (Ed Ravin) (04/05/91)

During the install process on my PowerServer 520, the installer slurped
up all the free file system space and gave it to /usr.  But once I've
removed the preloads and other junk I don't want, there's lots of
space left over I would rather put in /u or elsewhere.  Playing around
in smit and looking through the documentation, it seems IBM only supplies
commands to expand file systems, not shrink them.  Do I have to roll the
whole thing out to tape and recreate it?  Has anyone else here encountered

Ed Ravin            | Even if I could think of a profound, witty, insightful
cmcl2!panix!eravin  | quote to put here, who would bother reading it?
philabs!trintex!elr |

hubler@galaxy.lerc.nasa.gov (Dale Hubler) (04/05/91)

In article <1991Apr4.192525.28679@panix.uucp> eravin@panix.uucp (Ed Ravin) writes:
>During the install process on my PowerServer 520, the installer slurped
>up all the free file system space and gave it to /usr.  But once I've
>removed the preloads and other junk I don't want, there's lots of
>space left over I would rather put in /u or elsewhere.  Playing around
>in smit and looking through the documentation, it seems IBM only supplies
>commands to expand file systems, not shrink them.  Do I have to roll the
>whole thing out to tape and recreate it?  Has anyone else here encountered
Yes, we had the same problem.  According to the 3003 instructions you need
nearly 30M free in /usr.  When our upgrade was finished it was nearly
all still unused.  Not only that, I mistakenly allowed SMIT to automatically
increase and then chose the info upgrade, though we have the CD infoexplorer.
I had to backup the filesystem, remove /dev/hd2 and re-create it, and then 

I did;

shutdown -Fm
umount /usr
rmfs /usr  
mklv -y hd2 -L'/usr' rootvg 21  -- the 21 LP's at 4M each gave me a 
                                   filesystem of 84M
mkfs /dev/hd2
mount /usr
and then I restored it.

This was how my local SE said to do it and it worked just fine.  That
was after I fouled it up myself and couldn't boot for 1/2 the prior day.
At least I managed to recover from my first error.  I made sure I had
2 backups also, just in case.

Have an average day!
Dale Hubler

Dale A. Hubler  --  Sverdrup Technology  --  (216) 977-7014     
Try Eggo brand Common Sense Oat Bran frozen waffles, it's the health
food of the 90's

moody@snap.austin.ibm.com (04/06/91)

In article <1991Apr4.192525.28679@panix.uucp> eravin@panix.uucp (Ed Ravin) writes:
>During the install process on my PowerServer 520, the installer slurped
>up all the free file system space and gave it to /usr.  But ....
>there's lots of
>space left over I would rather put in /u or elsewhere.
>.....IBM only supplies
>commands to expand file systems, not shrink them.
>Has anyone else here encountered this?

This is a horrible consequence of not putting the install images in some
other place besides /usr in the first place.   You might be able to 
put the install images in /tmp before installing.  Then use

installp -f /tmp/<image_file> all

or similar incantation to install that image.  I think IBM should 
have the install programs do it this way too but there may be problems
with this that I don't know about.  It's a lot less trouble to grow
a file system than to shrink it.

>Ed Ravin

James Moody
Personal Systems Programming Austin	VNET:MOODY@AUSVMQ
Level 3 Support				internet:moody@aixwiz.austin.ibm.com

dbeedle@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Dave Beedle) (04/06/91)

     IN a similar vein...we have one harddisk in our Model 530 and due to
financial constraints won't be able to get another on soon.  What can I
get rid of to fee up space?  Is there some "junk" on the drive somewhere?
    Also, while I'm at it...we do have a cd-rom drive on the way.  Just
where, exactly are the man/infoexlorer info so I  can get rid of those?
   Thanks all!

  Dave Beedle                                    Office of Academic Computing
                                                    Illinois State University
  Internet:  dbeedle@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu                    136A Julian Hall  
    Bitnet:  dbeedle@ilstu.bitnet                          Normal, Il   61761

sma@devcom.com (Steve Adams) (04/07/91)

In article <1991Apr06.151650.9878@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu> dbeedle@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Dave Beedle) writes:
>    Also, while I'm at it...we do have a cd-rom drive on the way.  Just
>where, exactly are the man/infoexlorer info so I  can get rid of those?
>  Dave Beedle                                    Office of Academic Computing

   We bought a CD-Rom to save disk space.  Simply delete the files in
/usr/lpp/info/En_US and mount the Info-Explorer disk there.  It can save
you as much as 130Mb or so.  We saved about 120Mb.  Be prepared for SLOW
response in info explorer and 'man'. 


  "First we're going to cut it off,    |   Steve Adams - sma@devcom.com -or-  
  then we're going to kill it."        |                 uunet!devcom!sma     
                   Gen. Colin Powell   |   voice : 708/574-3600               

james@bksmel.oz.au (James Crawford) (04/08/91)

In article <1991Apr4.192525.28679@panix.uucp> eravin@panix.uucp (Ed Ravin) writes:
> During the install process on my PowerServer 520, the installer slurped
> up all the free file system space and gave it to /usr.  But once I've
> removed the preloads and other junk I don't want, there's lots of
> space left over I would rather put in /u or elsewhere.  Playing around
> in smit and looking through the documentation, it seems IBM only supplies
> commands to expand file systems, not shrink them.  Do I have to roll the
> whole thing out to tape and recreate it?  Has anyone else here encountered
> this?
> -- 
> Ed Ravin            | Even if I could think of a profound, witty, insightful
> cmcl2!panix!eravin  | quote to put here, who would bother reading it?
> philabs!trintex!elr |

We had the same problem.  However, instead of taking the extra /usr space and
adding it to /u, we found it easier to delete the /u file system and add this
space to /usr.  Then we created a /usr/u directory and created a symbolic link
from /u to this directory.

This caused us little grief as we had nothing under /u at the time and seems
to have worked fine for us.  I don't know whether this will suit your purposes
or not though.


frank@leopard.Berkeley.EDU (04/08/91)

info docs are kept under: /usr/lpp/info/<language>

<language> is probably En_US or C.  You will need the directory itself
to mount the CD-ROM file system.

I can't give any advice on what else to chop.  Of course one problem
that you will have is that you can't reduce the size of /usr without
much pain.  :-(

- Frank Feuerbacher

Disclaimer: I speak only for me!  And I don't even do a good job of that!

geoff@edm.uucp (Geoff Coleman) (04/08/91)

In article <1991Apr4.192525.28679@panix.uucp> eravin@panix.uucp (Ed Ravin) writes:
>During the install process on my PowerServer 520, the installer slurped
>up all the free file system space and gave it to /usr.  But once I've
>removed the preloads and other junk I don't want, there's lots of
>space left over I would rather put in /u or elsewhere.  Playing around
>in smit and looking through the documentation, it seems IBM only supplies
>commands to expand file systems, not shrink them.  Do I have to roll the
>whole thing out to tape and recreate it?  Has anyone else here encountered

	Yes you do have to roll it out to tape and rebuild it. But that is
where the fun begins. To do any filesystem modification you need to have
/usr mounted (IBM seems to have stuck a lot of mandatory stuff under /usr
like the logical volume management stuff). This means you have to create
a new FS of the size you want for /usr and then copy over the old /usr
stuff to the new /usr. You then need to modify all of the files which think
/usr is the present LV to make them think that it is the new LV. 
	Then it's time to reboot the machine and pray.

Geoff Coleman
Unexsys Systems

>Ed Ravin            | Even if I could think of a profound, witty, insightful
>cmcl2!panix!eravin  | quote to put here, who would bother reading it?
>philabs!trintex!elr |

pa@appmag.com (Pierre Asselin) (04/09/91)

sma@devcom.com (Steve Adams) writes:

>   We bought a CD-Rom to save disk space.  Simply delete the files in
>/usr/lpp/info/En_US and mount the Info-Explorer disk there.

Some of the smaller ones are used by smit.  Don't know which ones.
If you remove everything, smit won't be as good in maintenance mode,
when the CD-ROM is unavailable (sez my SE).

  --Pierre Asselin, R&D, Applied Magnetics.  I speak for me.

jjs@morse.austin.ibm.com (04/09/91)

In article <1991Apr06.151650.9878@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu> dbeedle@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Dave Beedle) writes:
>     IN a similar vein...we have one harddisk in our Model 530 and due to
>financial constraints won't be able to get another on soon.  What can I
>get rid of to fee up space?  Is there some "junk" on the drive somewhere?
You might check /smit.log.  This is a record of all your smit activity
and can get pretty voluminous.

>    Also, while I'm at it...we do have a cd-rom drive on the way.  Just
>where, exactly are the man/infoexlorer info so I  can get rid of those?
These are in /usr/lpp/info/$LANG, where "C" is linked to En_US.
Unless you've specifically put the pubs on your hard drive, the
information here is pretty minimal.

Jim Shaffer
BellNet:	(512)823-4900
Internet:	jjs@aixwiz.austin.ibm.com

"Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends -- tell me where to
get more wax!!"