[comp.unix.aix] PS/2 & 370 Curses

cknight@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (King Claudius) (04/18/91)

I'm having some real funky results with curses on our PS/2 and 370 machines
[same symptoms] and the man pages aren't much help.

Here's what functions I call:

	initscr ();
	cbreak ();
	noecho ();
	nonl ();
	nodelay (stdscr, stdin);
	nocbreak ();
	echo ();
	nl ();
	endwin ();
	fixterm ();

	After shutting the program down, it gives a strange error:
	GetNextChar(): just saw end of file, errno == 10 logout

	and the shell [csh and tcsh both] exit.

cknight@polyslo.calpoly.edu                    ---King Claudius---

cknight@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (King Claudius) (04/19/91)

I write:
>I'm having some real funky results with curses on our PS/2 and 370 machines
>[same symptoms] and the man pages aren't much help.
>Here's what functions I call:
>	nodelay (stdscr, stdin);

This is the culprit.  I was able to hack it out with:

stdscr->_nodelay = 1;

cknight@polyslo.calpoly.edu                    ---King Claudius---