[comp.unix.aix] Xstation problems with 3005

johnson@ecovsh.eco.ncsu.edu (Amy Johnson) (06/08/91)

Configuration- RS6000, AIX 3.1.5, XStation 120, X11R4 xdm

I was really excited to find out that xdmcp was supported on the Xstations
with the 3005 update.  So I quickly tried out my X11R4 xdm that has been
patiently waiting.  I set up the x_st_mgr (X Station Manager) to run X11R4
with bootfile1.  Then I set up the X Stations to be in "direct" xdmcp mode.
It seems to work ok...BUT, about 20% of the time, the xdm login window
just doesn't come back after the user logs out.   It almost appears as if
the XStation X Server has hung, since it doesn't even blank out.  I can reboot
the XStation and the xdm login window comes back fine.  The other 80% of the
time X11R4 xdm works perfectly.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  It really appears to be related to xdm, and
I don't think IBM supports xdm, so I'm stuck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I hate the thought of going back to
X11R3 xdm. :-(

Amy <johnson@ecovsh.eco.ncsu.edu>
Engineering Computer Operations
North Carolina State University