[comp.unix.aix] AIX users to form national support group

rbraun@spdcc.COM (Rich Braun) (06/21/91)

pencom@hal.com (Pencom people) writes:
>Meetings for the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Area National AIX-
>RISC System/6000 User Group will be held on the 26th and 27th of June
>AIX users do not currently have a forum with which to share ideas ...

(My New England system gets ba distribution, so I caught this posting
and thought to share this with the rest of the net.)

The AIX national group actually already exists; it was founded by
Pencom folks last month.  The first Boston meeting was on 5/8; the
next will be at IBM/1 Copley Pl./Boston/26 June/18:30-20:30.  The
Boston contact is Ralph Hayden, 617-229-1111.  Meetings have been
held in about 8-10 cities, to my knowledge, so anyone else interested
should probably inquire with Pencom.  Local chapters will set their
own dues, but thus far the meetings are open.

Disclaimer:  I went to the Boston founders' meeting, along with 100
other people.  I do not speak on behalf of IBM, Pencom, or the AIX
users' group.
