[connect.audit] Why Windows task switching is slow

duncanb@ibmpcug.co.uk (D G Booth) (11/11/89)

This is a brief summary of a hitherto unknown (at least to me) windows 
`feature'. It is distributed as is and without guarantee as to accuracy or 
relevance. Comments are welcome, especially if anyone already knew about 
this problem, or if I have got it totally wrong. Enjoy!
Microsoft windows running in fully paged EMS mode has to track the 
relocatable entry points for dynalink libraries whenever it does a task 
switch. This is because library code segments will be in a different place
in each application, and it is obviously undesirable to patch all the calls 
on each task switch.
To acheive this a block of memory is allocated to hold all the relocatable 
library entry points. i.e. the usual SAR + int 3f or SAR + jump. There is 
one copy of this block for each memory bank, and the copy is held in 
another EMS bank allocated just for it.
The task switch procedure is:
	bank out the application memory bank
	bank in the relevant entry point block
	copy the new entry points into the master table
	bank in the new application bank.
Now the problem: the entry point block occupies a single EMS page. This 
limits it to a maximum size of 16k. Apparently the entry points in KERNEL, 
USER, and GDI already use about 40% of the available space.
If you try to load a library when this block is full, the library load will 
fail `out of memory' even though there is apparently lots of free memory 
Each application task switch involves not only 3 bank switches, but also a 
block move of up to 16k (and at least 6k). No wonder Windows 386 tasking is 
How to recognise when this problem has occurred:
Unexpected out of memory errors, or libraries (such as PRINTER DRIVERS) go
wrong inexplicably.
Note that the 16k limit is a total for the system. If you are running 
something like Designer (which has BIG libraries) then other applications 
that normally work fine may start to have problems.
This is not a limit on EXPORTS (there is a separate limit of 2000 exports 
from libraries), it a limit on inter-segment entry points. A FAR function 
in a library will generate an inter segment call if it is called from 
outside its own segment, even if it is declared static. On the other hand, 
if it is not called from outside its own segment it will not generate an 
entry point even though it is FAR. The linker flag /PACKCODE may help a lot 
in this respect. Avoid hundreds of small 100 byte segments.
Unrelated problem (from the same informant):
 An application that took some time to close down the database it was
accessing had a PEEK/DISPATCH message loop that it entered after it
received a WM_SYSCOMMAND/SC_CLOSE. When it terminated, the application
code/data was left in memory even though it had supposedly terminated. When 
SC_CLOSE is generated, the windows menu handling code clears the menu from 
the screen, sets a *STATIC* flag to indicate that it is shutting down the 
window, sends the SC_CLOSE and posts the WM_QUIT. By yielding the processor, 
the user was able to make another menu selection - in a different 
application, clearing the flag (because the other app wasnt shutting down.) 
On return to the closing app, the flag was clear so the rest of the 
shutdown code was not executed. MORAL: If you must close down slowly, post 
yourself a message to force the shutdown.
(The above information was supplied by Kevin Reader of LBMS).
Duncan Booth
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The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not
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