[connect.audit] Informix-4GL and Microsoft C v6.00 compatibility

jaggy@ibmpcug.co.uk (Mike Jagdis) (06/08/90)

I've just installed Informix 4GL on a DOS machine along with Microsoft
C version 6.00. There is a problem with this so I thought I might as well
tell you guys about it. I will let Informix know if I can dig out an
address for them. (are they on the net? Anyone out there know?).

Anyway the problem is in the Microsoft linker. The version 6.00 linker
supports both OS/2 and DOS and now has the concept of a "module definition"
file which is required for OS/2 linking but not DOS. However the filename
must still be specified even with DOS. Informix does not know this so
leaves it out which causes compiles to hang at phase 3 since the linker
decides to stop and wait for you to specify the file.
  A second problem is that one of the libraries Informix specifies is
called llibforms.lib (count the characters). I guess the pre-version 6.00
linker chopped this down to llibform.lib, however the new linker throws
up on it and waits for you to enter a substitute library name.

I fixed these problems by writing a small C program which sits further
forward in the path than the standard Microsoft link.exe and massages
the .lnk file produced by Informix before invoking the real link.exe.
If anyone else out there is having problems running Informix 4GL with
Microsoft C version 6.00 I'll happily mail a copy - it's only small!

Mike Jagdis            (jaggy@ibmpcug.co.uk)
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