(Derek Jones) (11/25/90)
1.) I have set up the function keys using the windows terminal program to do fancy things with the UN*X system I log on to but only run at 1200 baud when I log in. Clicking on the appropriate key pastes in so quickly it fouls up. Q: How do I slow it down so it works? 2.) The cut'n'paste facility is really nice, but using a non- windows app, (esp a DOS shell) , if I select an item, then try and paste it I *always* get a carriage return whether I want on or not. Q: Is it possible to disable this feature? 3.) I posted a Q re toolbook being sloooow some time ago. It is my Prodesigner II 256 colour drivers which for some reason cause a computational overhead. When I run in 16 colour mode it is OK. I am using the 3.1 drivers and expecting the 3.2 drivers in the post Q: Has anyone any experience of the 3.2 drivers, are they any better; if not how can I usefully work in 256 colour mode? 4.) I downloaded some of the backgrounds mentioned in this list from cica. They're very pretty. Q: How can I get them not to be *grey* (!) in 16 colour mode. (I tried starting pbrush and saving them in 16 colour mode to no effect). Sorry if this is a dumb (can't do it ) question. 5.) Can I receive this list by email, since I don't have news access except by paying a phone bill. I can be mailed or can ftp stuff. Please advise. Thanks for all your time. *PLEASE RESPOND TO MY EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW SINCE I DON'T READ THIS GROUP OFTEN ENOUGH TO GET YOUR REPLIES* Thanks Derek Jones System Manager AI Vision Research Unit University of Sheffield Western Bank Sheffield UK S10 2TN Tel: (0742) 768555 X 6551 email: (Preferred, - read everyday). or: pc1dgj@{sunc,primea} (I'll read it eventually). or: here (I might read it someday). -- Automatic Disclaimer: The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group. --