[connect.audit] ISBN Numbers

dhelm@ibmpcug.co.uk (D Helm) (12/14/90)

>Is there any way that I can convert ISBN numbers into more meaningful
>author/title lists, and save myself a bit more typing?
>Andy Glew, a-glew@uiuc.edu [get ph nameserver from uxc.cso.uiuc.edu:net/qi]

Declaration of Interest:- I work for a company that supplies a stock
matching service to booksellers in the UK.

The easiest way we have found to convert ISBN numbers to useful
author/title/publication data is to run a match against the relevant
BIP (Books in Print) database.  In the UK this is Whitakers British BIP,
in the US, the equivalent that I know of is produced by Bowkers.  Both 
databases are are available on CD-ROM, which is what we use.  Both databases
supply search/match software as part of the supplied package.  The Whitakers
BIP, which is the one I know, use BRS/Search software.

Hope this is of some use.

				Dave H.

Disclaimer: I speak for myself - The company can make it's own mistakes.
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The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not
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