[connect.audit] Memory Parity. Is It Really Needed

hdrw@ibmpcug.co.uk (Howard Winter) (04/12/91)

Memory doesn't always fail 'hard' by any means, and the power-on test
only detects hard failures.  Back in the mid 70's I had a Z80 based machine
which I played with, and it developed a single-bit fault that took between
5 and 15 seconds to happen - you could set a value in a mmemory location
and then run a display loop which showed the value.  Suddenly, with no
provocation the value of a single bit would change.  Set it back and 
'verify' it - OK.  A few seconds later it changed back again.
I isolated the chip, and changed it - all was well after that.  It seemed
a bit of a shame to throw away a whole chip for a single-bit fault,
but then most of the Titanic didn't leak...
This system didn't have parity checking, so if I hadn't known about the
fault, the effect could have been an error occurring in data (and being
written back to disk) would have gradually corrupted a database, and
in program code could have caused almost any unwanted side effect - just
look at the difference changing a bit in a machine-code instruction makes...

I thI think memory parity checking is *vital* for any serious equipment -
certainly for commercial machines, and in my case, for my home machine.
I am a little surprised that with 32-bit machines that simple 1-per-byte
parity is used instead of more sophisticated correction, but there you are.
I don't know if 4-per-32 can do any correction - perhaps someone else
out there can say ?

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The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not
represent the views of the IBM PC User Group.
hdrw@ibmpcug.Co.UK     Howard Winter     0W21'  51N43'