[connect.audit] Query: Contracting Informix SQL files to free up wasted space.

jasper@ibmpcug.co.uk (Jasper May) (05/28/91)

	I am looking for a way to contract Informix SQL (C-ISAM ?) files that 
have empty space in them where many records have been deleted. To date the only
way I have found is to unload the table, drop it, recreate it and then 
reload the data. However, as the majority of the data that I am using
is maintained within a 4GL manufacturing package using Informix compatible
files that are linked (UNIX ln) with a namesake in an Informix .dbs directory,
this is to say the least a major pain.
	For background info, in case it matters, I am running UNIX SVR3.2d on 
an Altos 2000, with free disk space up to about 10 times the largest file to be
contracted. The Informix version I forget - purchased 1991 - 2.01.03b ?
	Any help that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated,
                     Thank You,  Jasper.
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|   Jasper May  -  jasper@ibmpcug.co.uk  | ...!uunet!ukc!ibmpcug!jasper  |