[net.followup] How hot is hot?

faunt@saturn.UUCP (Doug Faunt) (07/25/84)

Since I went to the same restaurant about three weeks ago, I will
second the motion.  Get there early, they're small and very popular,
and can run out of some dishes. I really wanted the lamb.

howard@metheus.UUCP (Howard A. Landman) (07/28/84)

I, too, have eaten at Jarra's.  They rated 7.8 out of 10.0 on the Landman
temperature scale, which I herewith present:

	 0.0	no taste, cooling.	[water]
	 1.0	some taste		[rice,bread]
	 2.0	strong taste
	 5.0	tastes somewhat hot, hotness fades quickly
	 6.0	tastes rather hot, hotness persists or builds slowly
	 7.0	lips burn when you inhale
	 8.0	uncontrollable tearing and running of nose
	 9.0	unable to open eyes or control movements
	10.0	2nd degree burns on contact (blisters)

Note that the numbers between 5.0 and 9.0 are the most useful.  I have yet
to find good descritions for 3.0 or 4.0; use interpolation (suggestions are
welcome, too).  For the curious, the hottest I've ever eaten was ~8.3.  Also
note that a dish must satisfy or exceed ALL OF THE LOWER LEVELS to qualify;
raw onions are NOT an 8.0 just because they make you cry.

	Howard A. Landman