[bionet.agroforestry] Pinus nigra var. pallaciana subsp. pyramidata

D54%TRANAVM1@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU (suleyman AYDIN) (01/24/91)

Here comes a request of a friend of mine who  has not an e-mail address;

''  ... I have to investigate the plant Pinus nigra var.pallaciana subsp.
pyramidata which is found in TURKEY mostly.

I wonder if anyone out there has any documantation and/or did any
previous work on this topic.   If yes, please inform me.

I am especially interested in its ecology and biology.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

Ersin YUCEL (ecologist)/dept.Biology, univ.anatolia/tepebasi 26470
eskisehir - TURKEY

I have to emphasize that I (and my machine,naturally)  not  subscribed to
the list (AG-FORST).  Please send any reply directly to the machine(userid).
Thanks for all  (on behalf of my friend also)...

suleyman AYDIN (ph.d. student of pharmacology)
Medicinal plants res. ctr., univ.anatolia, tepebasi/eskisehir / TR.