unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (08/12/89)
UNICEF: LESSONS FROM EPI EVALUATION IN SUDAN An evaluation of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation in Northern Sudan showed that in the rush to achieve the goals of UCI by 1990 in Sudan, the need for quick deployment of a very large operation was done at the expense of developing an efficient and cost-effective management, the UNICEF Evaluation Office said. The 18-member evaluation team, composed of representatives from government ministries, WHO, UNICEF and donor agencies, included staff of UNICEF's Evaluation Office and UCI Unit in New York. The comprehensive review included a cost-effectiveness study carried out in four of the six northern regions in Sudan, followed by a management review which entailed teams of external evaluators examining management practices in all 6 regions. Major findings were as follows: # the percentage of children fully immunised increased from a level estimated to be less than 10% in 1985 to an impressive 50% in 1989; # drop-out rates between the first and third doses of DPT and polio were high; 70% of children were immunised in the first round but this dropped to 50% for the third dose; # the acceleration process has been expensive:it costs between U.S.$25-$35 dollars to fully immunise each child and the total cost of the programme is currently over $10 million per year; # in almost every area, there was great room for improvement, which would considerably reduce costs while at the same time increasing overall coverage and reducing drop-out rates. Source: Roger Pearson, NYHQ * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501) --- Patt Haring | UNITEX : United Nations patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu | Information patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange