[misc.headlines.unitex] <2/5> DOD: NEWS BRIEFING THUR. AUG 10, 1989

unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (08/14/89)

further triangulation, that a ground search had been started up.  I assume tha
that's Ethiopian because we have limited ground search assets there.  But
obviously, we'll keep close watch on that and start up an air search at first
light.  As we get more information about what that signal may or may not have
been.  I caution you that this is a very preliminary report, and I know very
little about it.  So these are cautions about first action reports.

Q:  But you are talking about a signal picked up by a U.S.  satellite?

A:  That's my understanding.

Q:  Where was that transmitted, do you have any idea?

A:  South of Addis Ababa.

Q:  I mean via what ...

A:  Oh, how did that get through to us?  I don't know.  Let's take that
question and find out the specifics for you.

Q:  How will the intelligence from the U-2 be shared?  Will U.S.  specia-
lists look at it and then radio it to our searchers or will it be given to the
Ethiopians?  How is that handled?

A:  I'm not sure about the answer to that, and I don't know whether we ca
get an answer for you.  Obvisouly, the top priority of the U-2 satellite pictu
is coordination in our air search. To what extent we'll share it with the
Ethiopians, I don't know. But let's see if we can't get an answer to that.
It's a good question.

Q:  I was wondering about the resolution of the U-2 photos.  Say it's
operating at 60,000 or 70,000 feet.  Could it pick up an aircraft?

A:  We don't really get into describing the resolution or that sort of
stuff, but clearly it can see an airplane or we wouldn't have it searching for
the airplane.  I understand your question, I'm not... I say that's about as fa
as we'll go with describing it.

   Q:  You Say the beeper is South of Addis Ababa, is that the right direction
   A:  Yes, but again this is all very preliminary?

   Q:  Was that beep by definiation an ELT or was it a broadcast signal or
   A:  It's impossible to say at this point that it's an ELT.  The description
that I heard was, and this was just a few minutes before the briefing started,
that it was a signal like that which would come from an ELT.  So it's very
preliminary -- Emergency Locator Transmitter.

    Q:  Are you going to help facilitate any pool coverage or individual cover
of the search?
    A:  There is a public affairs officer on the way who will work with the
USlS officer at the embassy to handle needs of the reporters.  The decision
over there is that we're not going to allow any media representatives to deplo
with our forces, but we will investigate the possiblity of allowing reporters
to fly on a search and rescue flight on a pool basis, once our public affairs
officer arrives at the embassy.

    Q:  He's getting in on that C-5 in the morning?
    A:  He's on the 141.  The later 141 that left Eglin this morning was due i
Ethiopia early tomorrow morning Eastern time.

    Q:  When did that C-5 with the MH-60s depart Eglin?
    A:  Early this morning.  Both the C-5 and the C-141 left Eglin early this
morning, due in Ethiopia early tomorrow morning Eastern time.

    Q:  That decision not to allow press to accompany the search, can you
elaborate on the reasons for that?  Are there fears of hostile action or...
    A:  No, it's just in the interest of the search comes first.

    Q:  Can you give us a n updated list of those planes and all that today?
    A:  Later today, yes.  We'll make an effort before close of business today
to provide you an update.  I don't think there's going to be anything more tha
what we just went through, but we'll summarize where everything stands.

    Q:  Ground search has started?
    A:  I heard reports of that that it will get started... you know that's
just hearsay.  I wouldn't go on what I'm just telling you.  For your informati
it will require further checking.

    Q:   Could you later find out the site of...
    A:   I'm going to refer you to the State Department for that one.

Q:  Is there any sensitivity about these American military aircraft opera
across the Sudan border at will?

A:  That will be a State Department question.

Q:  Has there been any coordination with the Soviets on this at all?

A:  I haven't seen anything on that, Fred.  Again, State has all of those

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