[misc.headlines.unitex] 10 min. Video On Namibia

patth (Patt Haring) (08/22/89)

Ported from PeaceNET/GreenNET:

/* Written 12:02 am  Jul 18, 1989 by gn:geonet in cdp:reg.safrica */
/* ---------- "10 MIN VIDEO ON NAMIBIA" ---------- */


subject: 10 min. video on Namibia

Bandung File, well known for producing material on the issue
of racism, have now produced a ten minute video on the
Namibian elections.

Called "Namibian Elections: Free & Fair?", the film looks at
South Africa's real intentions in the decolonisation process
and asks whether it is possible to hold free and fair
elections under the present conditions.

Inevitably, it is now slightly dated as it was made before
the Administrator General announced that 1,200 ex-members of
Koevoet are to phased out of the South West Africa Police.
Otherwise it does a very good job of presenting an overview
of the current situation and its problems.

For further details contact:

Bandung File.
Block H, Carkers Lane
53/79 Highgate Road
London NW5 1TL


Jane Balfour Films
Burghley House
35 Forts Road
London NW5 1AD

Patt Haring                | UNITEX : United Nations 
patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu    |          Information
patth@ccnysci.BITNET       |          Transfer Exchange 
  -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-