[misc.headlines.unitex] <2/2> DOD: New Briefing

unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (08/23/89)

basic reaction to what happened and the problems that might have caused it.

A:  This is why I'm referring you to the Navy.  You want their reaction,
that's where you should go.  I am just not equipped to assess the technical
consequences of that test.  I can discuss policy up here, but when we get into
technical matters, I really don't feel that I can by myself.

     Q:  From a policy point of view, is there any reaction about the program.

A:  We still believe in the program and there's no reason to change our
view of its importance or that it ultimately will be successful and, hopefully
on schedule.  But, again, the test just occurred and the Navy is the authority
on the progress of the program.   Again, so far as I can determine this
morning, there has been no significant effect on the progress of the program.
But again, this is right after the test and whether or not that'll hold up,
I'm not sure.

     Q:  Have you been in contact with the Secretary and does he have any

A:  Secretary of Defense, no, I have _n_o_t been in contact with the S

     Q:  Has he been informed of what happens when he's on vacation?

A:  In this particular case, I don't know.  The Secretary is kept in-
formed of important developments.  But on this particular one, I couldn't
help you on that.

     Q:  The memo says no expected change in the IOC of the TENNESSEE, does
that mean it will go to sea with the C-4 missiles, rather than the D-5?

A:  I have to refer you to the Navy because that is the sole infor-
mation that I have at the point.

     Q:  The American Petroleum Institute says that U.S. oil imports now
come 50 percent from foreign sources.  Is that a security problem?

A:  That's a pretty broad question.  We've been long dependent as a
nation, whether it's 50 percent or some other percent,  we've long been
dependent as a nation to a considerable degree on oil from foreign sources.
Is that a matter of concern?  Yes.  Is national policy one designed to reduce
that dependence to the extent we can?  Yes.  But I couldn't address a particul
report of this sort when I haven't seen it, or without having our experts
look at it.

     Q:  Is there any input that you are getting back out of Lebanon?  What's
happening over there?

A:  You mean in the shelling that's going on?  Nothing more than what
you're seeing reported amply from the scene.

     Q:  Has there been any change in the numbers or character or makeup of
the U.S. forces in the eastern Med in the last several days?

A:  The basic disposition of the Sixth Fleet remains as it has been for
some time.

     Q:  Have any ships peeled off and pulled in for a port visit, are they
standing down in any way?

A:  I am not going to go, as I never do, into operation details.  If ship
show up in port visits, you will know.

     Q:  Is the MIDWAY going to join that group?

A:  The MIDWAY?  I'm not aware of any particular movements of the MIDWAY.

     Q:  Do you have any observations about Strategic Air Command's decision
to cancel mock bombing runs over Pennsylvania?

A   No, sir.  I don't have any observations at all.  Did SAC give any
explanation for their decision?

     Q:  Apparently political pressures and others.

A:  I'm not aware of anything like that.

     Q:  Do you have any information about the reported investigation of

A:  Which case are you talking about?  (laughter)  We had a couple of
cases in the last couple of days.  Which one are you referring to?

     Q:  On the documents?

     Q:  The Fowler case.

A:  Oh, the Fowler case.  Yes, the DoD IG is investigating.

     Q:  On what charges?

A:  We don't make charges.

     Q:  Investigating who?

A:  The IG is investigating the situation.  But as you know, or will know
if you've been around here much longer, that when you get into questions about
investigations, we don't discuss the details of investigations.

     Q:  But it's about the case I'm talking about...

A:  It's the same, the question is related.  That was your question and
I acknowledged an investigation.

     Q:  Fred, speaking of investigations, can you give us an update on the
status, or if it's changed, for Hirsch?

A:  It has not changed, there is no change.  I'm told the Air Force
investigation is still in progress.  Capt. Hirsch is still at Kelly AFB
and still restricted to the base.  No charges have been filed.

     Q:  The last timetable on the IOWA was that perhaps it would be released
late this month or early next.  Any update on it?

A:  The report arrived in the Pentagon late on Friday.  It is currently
with the Chief of Naval Operations for review.  We do not have any timetable
that we can give you for release of the report.

     Press:  Thank you.
     Mr. Hoffman:  Thank you

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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