[misc.headlines.unitex] SECURITY COUNCIL -- TAKE 6

unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (08/24/89)


     FRANCISCO VILLAGRAN DE LEON (Guatemala) said there was concern among
countries of his region, as well as in the non-aligned movement, at what was
happening in Namibia.  He supported the Secretary-General and his staff in
UNTAG and asked that they continue their efforts despite the obstacles being
placed in their way by South Africa.  The Council must ensure that South
Africa comply with all its obligations under resolution 435.

     The Council must undertake additional action, to ensure the holding of
elections.  He was alarmed that after four months that process was not
continuing satisfactorily.

     Guatemala was confident, he said, that the Council would respond to the
concerns of the African Group and take a stand on attempts to distort the
electoral process.  There must be an end to the harassment of Namibians, and
to violations of their human rights.

     Guatemala continued to support to the people of Namibia, and the efforts
of the Security Council to bring about their total independence.

     CHANRASHEKHAR DASGUPTA (India) said that while his Government looked
forward to the successful culmination of the long-drawn struggle of the people
of Namibia, it was seriously concerned that present conditions in the
Territory were not conducive to holding free and fair elections.

     In Northern Namibia it was particularly disturbing that SWAPO supporters
had been subjected to intimidation, harassment and even murder by the Koevoet
thugs who had been deceitfully integrated by the South African Administration
into the police force, contrary to the terms of resolution 435.  Malicious and
false allegations had been made concerning SWAPO activities with a view to
justifying the continued state of preparedness of para-military forces.  The
decision by the Administration to confine 1,200 Koevoet members to bases fall
short of the requirements of the resolution 435 which stipulated the complete
disbanding of Koevoet and other para-military forces.

     Fears that a large number of South Africans would cross into Namibia to
participate in the elections must be set at rest immediately, he said, by
making suitable amendments to the Voters Registration Law.  India failed to
understand how South African nationals serving in the occupation regime could
be regarded as Namibians.  Loop-holes in the draft election procedures must be
closed immediately.

     Concerns regarding certain provisions of the draft Constituent Assembly
Proclamation, most serious being the provision which would allow discretion to
the Administrator-General to disregard the recommendations of the Constituent
Assembly, also needed to be urgently addressed.

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

Patt Haring                | UNITEX : United Nations 
patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu    |          Information
patth@ccnysci.BITNET       |          Transfer Exchange 
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