unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (08/24/89)
categorical. The representative of the Soviet Union said the categories of officials meant should be explained, and that more time was required for further consideration of the proposal. Note should also be taken of a relevant provision in the draft Headquarters Agreement. The Chairman, GUNTER GOERNER (German Democratic Republic), said there was need for another provision to cover public order and national security issues, noting that there were similar provisions in other agreements involving international bodies. There were feelings that Article 16 might not be adequate. He said the Secretariat should come up with a provision covering the safeguarding of national security. The representative of the United Kingdom said there were precedents of States taking advantage of a host country to engage in activities contrary to national security. Federal Republic of Germany Amendments The representative of the Federal Republic of Germany said she shared the view that members of the Tribunal should enjoy the same privileges and immunities as heads of diplomatic missions. The representative of Switzerland said immunities were not absolute and that they could be waived in certain circumstances. The representative of Byelorussia recalled that many delegations at the spring session in Jamaica had indicated that members of the Tribunal should not have an inferior status to that of members of the International Court of Justice. The representative of Egypt said abuses of immunities should be decided by a majority decision of the Tribunal. The representative of Brazil said the Tribunal would be an independent entity with its members being persons of high integrity. The original Article was clear in stating that the members should enjoy privileges and immunities in performance of their duty. Members of other international bodies with the exception of the International Court of Justice could not be placed on an equal footing with those on the proposed Tribunal. The Chairman asked the Secretariat to look into the amendments as several delegations seemed to have problems with the formulation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Belgiam Amendments The representative of Belgium, introducing his delegation's amendments, said they were an addition to Article 17 dealing with settlement of disputes. The amendments sought to provide the appropriate means, such as civil procedures, of doing so. The Tribunal would enjoy immunity unless it renounced it. It should be allowed to be master of its own procedures. Laws dealing with traffic offences should be respected. The Egyptian representative said immunity covering commercial activities could not be waived. The Tribunal would be using a limited number of vehicles in any case. The representative of Japan sought clarifications on whether traffic infractions referred to administrative or criminal ones. The representative of Belgium, responding to comments by a number of delegations, said the Commission should make sure that an insurance company would not invoke immunity when sued by a victim of an accident involving a vehicle belonging to the Tribunal. It would be hard for his delegation to disregard its definition of commercial activity and referred to one by the International Law Commission. The Chairman said the Commission could go along with the first three paragraphs of the Belgian text but that some delegations had problems with paragraph 4, which limits immunity to be enjoyed by the Tribunal in traffic accidents. He suggested use of Article l8 of the International Law Commission Protocol on diplomatic couriers. He said it would perhaps be easier for the Secretariat to find appropriate language for the paragraphs delegations were unhappy about. * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501) --- Patt Haring | UNITEX : United Nations patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu | Information patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-