unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (08/29/89)

agreed to the line suggested by the Special Rapporteur that the emphasis in
dealing with the apartheid problem should be on the development of
co-operation with the anti-apartheid forces.  He also underlined the
importance of economic elements of the problem of racial discrimination,
including the situation of migrant workers, and associated himself with
Mrs. Warzazi on the need for States to fully meet their financial obligations
relating to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

     FATMA KSENTINI, expert from Algeria, said that she fully agreed that the
question of apartheid was the most outrageous form of racism and that it had
to be eliminated.  As far as other forms of racism were concerned, it would be
useful if the factors contributing to racism, as well as the effects of
racism, were studied further.  As to migrant workers, more emphasis should be
placed on the various manifestations of racism against them.  She thought it
might be useful to have an evaluation of the legislation of the receiving
countries so as to see to what extent they were sufficiently protective of the
rights of migrant workers.  A number of proposals to strengthen legislation so
as to dissuade racist crimes should be made.

     MURLIDHAR BHANDARE, expert from India, said he agreed with the
three-front action in dealing with apartheid, as suggested by Mr. Eide, and
drew attention to the importance of the problem of migrant workers and their
integration without assimilation.  The recommendation for the elaboration of
guidelines on linguistic rights also deserved support.

     MARY BAUTISTA CONCEPCION, expert from the Philippines, stressed the
importance of the implementation of the principle of equal opportunity for all
men, irrespective of racial, ethnic and other differences.  That problem was
particularly relevant to South Africa where millions of people were victimized
on the grounds of their race.

     MACHID FATIO, observer for the Baha'i International Community, said her
organization fully concurred with the report's recommendation that "the Centre

for Human Rights should accelerate its efforts to develop model laws for the
prevention of racial discrimination".

     DAVID LITTMAN, observer for the World Union for Progressive Judaism,
stated that in perverting the meaning of zionism, much harm had been done, not
only to Israel and to Jews throughout the world, but also to the reputation of
the United Nations.  There was one simple way to render resolution 3379 (XXX)
effectively obsolete, and that was for the General Assembly to pass another
resolution, recognizing explicitly that:  Zionism was the national liberation
movement of the Jewish people and that the State of Israel was established and
recognized by the United Nations as a legitimate expression of the aspiration
of the great majority of the Jewish people.

     AHMED KHALIFA, expert from Egypt, said that the report was of central
importance to the work of the Sub-Commission and merited more thorough study.
The report should have been dealt with earlier in the session when more time
was available.  He joined other experts in recommending that the report be
studied at the next session of the Sub-Commission when it could be dealt with
in greater detail.

     Right of Everyone to Leave Any Country and to Return to His Country

     The Sub-Commission, by its resolution 1988/39, decided to consider that
matter under a separate item on its agenda at its forty-first session.  The
Special Rapporteur, Mubanga Chipoya, submitted his final analysis (documents
E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/35 and Add.1 and Corr.1) to the fortieth session of the

     The Sub-Commission decided further to examine as a separate item the
report and recommendations for future action and development contained
therein, as well as the draft declaration on freedom and non-discrimination in
respect of the right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and
to return to his country, at its forty-first session, and to take effective
measures at that session in order to secure that substantive progress be made
as regards further work on that issue.

     The Commission on Human Rights welcomed the decision taken by the
Sub-Commission in the same resolution to transmit the draft declaration to
Member States, specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations
with competence in the field of human rights, as well as to non-governmental
organizations in consultative status, and it had requested the Sub-Commission
to consider the report by Mr. Chipoya as a matter of priority, with a view to
submitting to the Commission as soon as possible a draft declaration on the
right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to
his country.

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

Patt Haring                | UNITEX : United Nations 
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patth@ccnysci.BITNET       |          Transfer Exchange 
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