[misc.headlines.unitex] Weekly Legislative Report 9/4/89

sfnatldc@labrea.stanford.edu (09/07/89)


The Weekly Legislative Report is updated on the second business day
of each week by the SANE/FREEZE:  Campaign for Global Security
Legislative Department.  This report is based on the political
objectives adopted by the SANE/FREEZE National Congress.  Please
help us by reporting your local lobbying activities to Mark W.
Harrison at (202) 546-7100 or send us a message via "mail" on
PeaceNet to sfnatldc.
Congress will return from its August recess on Wednesday, September
6.  It is expected that House conferees on the FY 90 Defense
Authorization bill will be announced during the week.  Senate
conferees on arms control issues are: Exon (D-NE), Levin (D-MI),
Kennedy (D-MA), Bingaman (D-NM), Glenn (D-OH), Gore (D-TN), Thurmond
(R-SC), Cohen (R-ME), Wilson (R-CA), Wallop (R-WY), and Gorton (R-
WA).  Sen. Nunn (D-GA), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, will definitely play a role on arms control issues as
Message: If your Representative or Senator is a conferee urge him/her
*Maintain spending levels for Star Wars ($3.1 billion), MX ($600
 million) and B-2 Bomber ($3.76 billion) that were adopted by the
 House.  Stand firm on no money for the Midgetman and the cap of 50
 on the number of MX missiles.
*Support Senate levels for DOE cleanup ($1.8 billion) and the House
 prohibition of site preparation for the Special Isotope Separation
 (SIS) plutonium production facility slated for Idaho.
Markup of the Senate Defense Appropriations bill is scheduled for
Tuesday, September 12.  Floor consideration is expected towards the
end of September.  Two key arms control amendments will be offered.
Message:  Urge your Senators to support the -
*Kerry-Jeffords amendment to prohibit funds for the testing of anti-
 satellite (ASAT) weapons as long as the Soviet Union refrains from
 such tests
*Leahy amendment to prohibit the procurement of addition B-2 Bombers
 in FY 1990
The Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the House Banking
Committee has held several hearings on economic conversion.  The
Senate Banking Committee has held none.  Senators on the Banking
Committee must hear from their constituents on this vital issue.
Message:  If your Senator is a Member of the Banking Committee urge
him/her to schedule a hearing on economic conversion as the
Committee considers the Defense Production Act (DPA).  Also urge
him/her to attach an economic conversion provision with mandated
alternative use committees and labor protection to their version of
the DPA as the House as done.  Tell them to review the Weiss bill
(HR 101) and Title II of the House version of the DPA (HR 486).
Members of the Senate Banking Committee, their banking legislative
aide and telephone number are as follows:
Reigle (D-MI), Rick Samans, (202) 224-4822
Cranston (D-CA), Ben Field, (202) 224-6348
Sarbanes (D-MD), Marty Gruenberg, (202) 224-4524
Dodd (D-CT), Peter Kinzler, (202) 224-2823
Dixon (D-IL), Bill Mattea, (202) 224-2854
Sasser (D-TN), Katy Lane, (202) 224-3344
Sanford (D-NC), Jennifer Hillman, (202) 224-3154
Shelby (D-AL), Christian Chaffin, (202) 224-5744
Graham (D-FL), Susan Emmer, (202) 224-3041
Wirth (D-CO), Mike Perko, (202) 224-5852
Kerry (D-MA), Jim Brenner (202) 224-2742
Bryan (D-NV), Andrew Vermiyle, (202) 224-6244
Heinz (R-PA), Ira Paull, (202) 224-6324
D'Amato (R-NY), Brain Borders, (202) 224-6542
Kassebaum (R-KS), Dan Bolen, (202) 224-4774
On August 1, the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR appealed
to the U.S. Congress to support a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Excerpts of the appeal read as follows:  ...We favor the immediate
start of the substantive consideration of a comprehensive nuclear
test ban at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament...We receive with
satisfaction several constructive steps taken in this issue by the
U.S. Congress and public...In appealing to the U.S. Congress, we
state for one more time the USSR's preparedness to proclaim any day
and hour on the basis of reciprocity a moratorium on all nuclear
explosions, which could be a prologue to concluding a verified
agreement on a comprehensive nuclear test ban, and propose to
discuss this issue at a meeting of Soviet and U.S.
If you would like a copy of the Soviet CTB appeal, please contact
Mark W. Harrison, SANE/FREEZE Legislative Department, at (202)  546-
SANE/FREEZE has initiated with other national peace, labor,
religious and human needs groups the Citizens' Budget Campaign.  The
overall goal is to change America's budget priorities by working to
cut military spending and fund human needs in the FY 1991 budget.
The priorities of the Campaign are:
*increasing spending on housing, health care, nutrition; child care;
 education and job training; drug abuse programs; the environment;
 and other community needs.
*cutting military spending significantly and supporting the
transition  from military to civilian production.
*reducing the federal deficit.
*generating additional revenues fairly by increasing corporate and
 upper income taxes.
The initial effort of the coalition during the coming Fall is a
postcard campaign targeted at the Congressional budget negotiators,
c/o House Budget Chairman Leon Panetta.  We want to flood Rep.
Panetta's office with postcards with the priorities listed above.
Printed postcards are available from the SANE/FREEZE national
office.  The first 250 postcards are free to state affiliates, and
50 postcards are free to local chapters in locations without a state
office.  If you expect to use lots of postcards, you may either
order them at cost for a penny each, or order black and white
camera-ready copy for printing your own.  Send your order to the
SANE/FREEZE Literature Department, 711 G Street, S. E., Washington,
D. C.  20003.

Patt Haring                | UNITEX : United Nations 
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  -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-