[misc.headlines.unitex] <1/2> RELATED WORLD NEWS FROM MAJOR TV NETWORKS

unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/12/89)


     Friday    September 8, 1989

     Civil Rights Legislation Passes Senate

     Peter Jennings               New York, NY

     A major piece of civil rights legislation has passed the Senate.
     It prohibits discrimination against 43 million people with
     physical and mental disabilities.  It would prohibit job
     discrimination, require equal access to public facilities, and
     prevent discrimination against people with AIDS.  The
     legislation has the President's support and must still be passed
     by the House.

     East German Refugees Waiting For Freedom

     Jim Hickey                   Budapest, Hungary

     More than a hundred people who had taken refuge in the West
     German mission in East Berlin went home today, after East German
     officials promised they would be given legal help to leave the
     country.  An estimated 6,000 East Germans are living in refugee
     camps in Hungary.  Many are young East German professionals
     looking for new opportunities.  One woman engineer says she can't
     get a job in East Germany because she is not a member of the
     Communist Party.  Today, it was reported that about 100 people
     fled across the border from Hungary into Austria during the
     night.  Most of the refugees continue to wait, with officials
     from East Germany right outside the refugee camp, trying to
     convince them to go back to the German Democratic Republic.  So
     far, no one has, often laughing at the promise of no
     punishment.  They will continue waiting.

     Spread Of Ice, Crystal Meth, Addiction In Hawaii

     Gary Shepard                 Honolulu, Hawaii

     The illegal drug "ice" is a crystallized form of methamphetamine,
     or speed. Users smoke it like crack cocaine and can become
     addicted within days.  Authorities in Honolulu say it is rapidly
     sweeping through the islands.  US Attorney DANIEL BENT says it
     has spread and become a crisis drug in Hawaii. Ice is causing a
     nightmare for police, with arrests for crystal meth, as it's
     also known, now outnumbering cocaine arrests 2 to 1.  Major MIKE
     CARVALHO, Honolulu police department, says arrest statistics are
     up, seizure statistics are up, and informers say there is more
     than the police know about.  Police say crystal meth is coming
     to Hawaii from Asia, Korea, the Philippines, and Hong Kong.  Ice
     can be smoked, virtually without detection.  It is more
     expensive than crack, but its high lasts 2 to 12 hours.  Long
     term use causes paranoia, strokes. convulsions, and, sometimes,
     death.  Dr. BERNICE COLEMAN, assistant chief of psychiatry, says
     80% of the people coming in for long term treatment allege they
     have been using ice.  Police say ice is already turning up in
     some cities on the West Coast of the Mainland.

     Drug Treatment To Ease Cocaine Craving Researched

     Dr. Tim Johnson              No Location

     Even using cocaine once, can make a person crave cocaine as long
     as they live.  Scientists say the effects of cocaine are
     diabolically complicated.  Cocaine highs are related to
     increased brain levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals that

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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