unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/12/89)


     GENEVA, 31 August -- At its extended meeting this afternoon, the
     Sub-Commission of Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
     Minorities adopted 22 resolutions and three decisions relating
     to the situation in the Palestinian and other Arab territories
     occupied by Israel, the human rights situation in China,
     Guatemala, Timor, Lebanon, El Salvador, and the Islamic Republic
     of Iran, human rights monitoring mechanisms established within
     the United Nations framework, principles and guarantees for the
     protection of persons detained on grounds of mental ill-health
     or suffering from mental disorder, and several other subjects.

     The Sub-Commission, by a vote, decided not to take action on the
     draft resolution relating to the situation in Iraq.

     The Sub-Commission continued its debate on the promotion,
     protection and restoration of human rights at national, regional
     and international levels.

     It heard statements by the observers for the International
     Commission of Jurists, and the International Movement for
     Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples, as well as for Israel,
     China, Iraq, Guatemala, Indonesia, El Salvador and Islamic
     Republic of Iran.

     Action on Resolutions

     Under a resolution on the situation in the Palestinian and other
     Arab territories occupied by Israel, the Sub-Commission
     reaffirmed that the Israeli occupation itself constituted a
     gross violation of the human rights in the occupied Palestinian
     and other Arab territories, and a crime prejudicial to the peace
     and security of humanity under international law.

     It also reaffirmed that the acts perpetrated by the Israeli
     occupation authorities of deliberate killing of Palestinians,
     including children, constituted grave violations of
     international law.

     The Sub-Commission affirmed once again the right of the
     Palestinian people to resist the Israeli occupation by all means
     in accordance with the United Nations resolutions, and affirmed
     that the Intifadah of the Palestinian people against occupation
     since 8 December 1987 was one such means confirming their
     determination to liberate their land and exercise their
     established rights.

     It condemned the continued occupation by Israel of the South Arab
     Golan and its defiance of the relevant United Nations
     resolutions, in particular, Security Council resolution 497
     (1981) of 17 December 1981, and considered that the decision
     taken by Israel in 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and
     administration on the occupied Syrian Arab Golan was null and

     The Sub-Commission supported the call to convene an international
     peace conference on the Middle East, with the participation of
     all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation
     Organization as an equal partner and the five permanent member
     States of the Security Council in accordance with Security
     Council resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, and on the
     basis of the established rights of the Palestinian people,
     especially their right to self-determination, and the withdrawal
     of the Israeli occupation forces from all occupied Arab
     territories, including Jerusalem.

     The resolution was adopted by secret ballot of 15 in favour to 5
     against, with 2 abstentions.

     In a resolution on the situation in China, the Sub-Commission
     requested the Secretary-General to transmit to the Commission on
     Human Rights information provided by the Government of China and
     by other reliable sources.  It also made an appeal for clemency,
     in particular in favour of persons deprived of their liberty as
     a result of recent events.

     The draft was adopted by secret ballot of 15 in favour to 9

     The Sub-Commission, by a vote of 14 in favour to 10 against,
     decided not to take action on the draft resolution relating to
     the situation in Iraq.

     Under a resolution on the situation of human rights in Guatemala,
     the Sub-Commission urged the Government of Guatemala to
     intensify its efforts to ensure that the human rights and
     fundamental freedoms of its citizens are fully respected, and
     that it adopts and applies energetic measures to prevent
     violation of those rights and freedoms; reiterated the need to
     secure by effective means the enjoyment of human rights by the
     indigenous populations of Guatemala and to promote their social,
     economic and cultural development.  It encouraged the Government
     of Guatemala to intensify its efforts to create the conditions
     which would allow refugees to return to their places of origin
     with full guarantees for their safety and the exercise of their
     human rights; and drew attention to the importance of an
     independent judiciary as a vital means of effectively protecting
     human rights and publishing violations thereof.

     In a resolution on the situation in East Timor, the
     Sub-Commission appreciated the Indonesian Government's new
     policy of openness in East Timor

     since January 1988; regretted however that more arrests, torture
     and summary executions were alleged to have taken place since
     the end of 1988; and hoped therefore that the Indonesian
     Government would go a step further to allow representatives of
     human rights organizations to visit the territory.

     The resolution was adopted by a vote of 12 in favour to 9

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

Patt Haring                | UNITEX : United Nations 
patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu    |          Information
patth@ccnysci.BITNET       |          Transfer Exchange 
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