[misc.headlines.unitex] Legislative Report 9/11/89

sfnatldc@labrea.stanford.edu (09/13/89)

The Weekly Legislative Report is updated on the second business day
of each week by the SANE/FREEZE:  Campaign for Global Security
Legislative Department.  This report is based on the political
objectives adopted by the SANE/FREEZE National Congress.  Please
help us by reporting your local lobbying activities to Mark W.
Harrison at (202) 546-7100 or send us a message via "mail" on
PeaceNet to sfnatldc.
The House is expected to announce this week its conferees on the
Conference Committee on the FY 90 Defense Authorization bill.  The
following Armed Services Committee Members are expected to be
conferees:  Aspin (D-WI), Bennett (D-FL), Montgomery (D-MS), Dellums
(D-CA), Schroeder (D-CO), Byron (D-MD), Mavroules (D-MA), Hutto (D-
FL), Skelton (D-MO), Leath (D-TX), McCurdy (D-OK), Foglietta (D-PA),
Dyson (D-MD), Ray (D-GA), Spratt (D-SC), Ortiz (D-TX), Darden (D-
GA), Hochbrueckner (D-NY), Brennan (D-ME), Pickett (D-VA), Lancaster
(D-NC), Evans (D-IL), Dickinson (R-AL), Spence (R-SC), Stump (R-AZ),
Courter (R-NJ), Hopkins (R-KY), Davis (R-MI), Hunter (R-CA), Martin
(R-NY), Kasich (R-OH), Bateman (R-VA), Blaz (R-Guam), Ireland (R-
FL), Hansen (R-UT), and Rowland (R-CT).  For a list of Senate
conferees, see Legislative Report for week of September 4.
Message: If your Representative or Senator is a conferee write or
call to:
*Express your opposition for funding Star Wars, MX, and the B-2
 Bomber. Urge him/her to maintain, at a maximum, spending levels
 for Star Wars $3.1 billion), MX Rail Garrison ($600 million), and
 the B-2 Bomber ($3.76 billion) that were adopted by the House, and
 to stand firm on no money for the Midgetman and the cap of 50 on
 the number of MX missiles.
*Urge support for Senate levels for DOE cleanup ($1.8 billion) and
 the House prohibition of site preparation for the Special Isotope
 Separation (SIS) plutonium production facility slated to Idaho.
If your Members of Congress are not conferees, please write or call
the House leadership on the above message:
Speaker Thomas S. Foley              Rep. Richard A. Gephardt
H-204 Capitol Bldg.                  House Majority Leader
Washington, D. C.  20515             H-114 Capitol Bldg.
(202) 225-5604                       Washington, D. C.  20515
                                     (202) 225-0100
There will be a number of important meetings this week on economic
conversion.  Seymour Melman, an economic conversion expert, will
give an economic conversion briefing to Rep. Richard Gephardt, the
House Majority Leader, and Sen. Donald Riegle, Chairman of the
Senate Banking Committee.  Rep. Mary Rose Oakar, Chairwoman of the
Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the House Banking
Committee, and Sen. Riegle will be meeting to discuss what should be
in the Defense Production Act (HR 486).  [The Senate bill has not
been written.]
Lobbyists in Washington will send a letter this week to Members of
the Senate Banking Committee urging a hearing on economic conversion
as part of the consideration of the Defense Production Act (DPA).
*If your Representative or Senator is a Member of the Banking
 Committee (see previous Legislative Reports), urge him/her to
 support Title II, the economic conversion provision, of the Defense
 Production Act (HR 486).  Urge them to strengthen Title II by
 adding language on mandated alternative use committees and to
 support the efforts of the International Association of Machinists
 and other unions to include language that protects labor rights.
*Please call Rep. Oakar and Sen. Riegle to strongly urge them to
 include an economic conversion provision in the DPA.  DO NOT TAKE
 IT OUT!!!
 Rep. Mary Rose Oakar (202) 225-5871
 Sen. Donald Riegle (202) 224-4822
Markup of the Senate Defense Appropriations bill is on Tuesday,
September 12.  Floor consideration is expected towards the end of
September.  Two key arms control amendments will be offered.
Message:  Urge your Senators to support the:
*Kerry-Jeffords amendment to prohibit funds for the testing of anti-
 satellite (ASAT) weapons as long as the Soviet Union refrains from
 such tests
*Leahy amendment to prohibit the procurement of additional B-2
 Bombers in FY 1990
The Conference Committee on the Energy and Water Appropriations bill
has approved $1.7 billion for DOE cleanup.  This is an increase of
$357 million above the Administration request.  [Appropriations
funds for DOE cleanup are under the jurisdiction of the Energy
Appropriations Committees, not the Defense Appropriations

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  -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-