[misc.headlines.unitex] <1/2> Harar Journal; Ethiopia Drives Its Peasants Off

unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/16/89)

Harar Journal; Ethiopia Drives Its Peasants Off the Good Earth
     Posting Date: 09/14/89      Source: UNITEX Network, Hoboken, NJ, USA

     (New York Times, September 12, 953 words, BYLINE: JANE PERLEZ)

     With rows of Marx and Lenin volumes in his bookcase and piles of
     tracts on his desk, Ali Youssef, the head of the ideology
     department here, explained the alacrity with which the process
     being called ''villagization'' had been accomplished in his

     In seven months, he said, half a million houses for more than
     two million people were built. ''There is systemization; there
     is mobilization,'' he said, lifting some of the argot from his
     desktop literature. ''They used to construct at midnight.''

     It is precisely the speed and authoritarianism of the
     Government's villagization program - the relocation of peasants
     from their traditionally scattered homes in nearby areas to new
     villages established in gridlike patterns - that have caused
     many of its problems, Ethiopian and Western agricultural experts

     Villagization was heralded by President Mengistu Haile Mariam in
     1984 as the answer to many of the difficulties of the
     impoverished, drought-stricken

     Ethiopian peasantry, who make up 90 percent of the country's
     population.  By being grouped together, the argument went,
     peasants would be able to produce more and have easier access to
     such services as schools and health clinics.

     Resettlement Also Introduced

     Unspoken, but more to the point, in the view of many Ethiopian
     and Western researchers, villagization was an effort to increase
     the power of the state by marshaling people in more easily
     controlled groups.

     Experiments in consolidation and forced resettlement have been
     tried elsewhere in Africa, most notably under President Julius
     K. Nyerere in Tanzania, with results that are debated widely.

     Along with villagization, which now affects about 40 percent of
     Ethiopia's population, the Government also introduced
     resettlement, a program under which thousands of people were
     moved long distances from one arid region of the country to a
     more fertile one. This program, smaller in scale and often
     carried out forcibly, has largely been halted, not because of
     second thoughts but because of its expense for the war-ravaged
     and virtually bankrupt economy, Ethiopian officials said.

     Both villagization and resettlement have been criticized by many
     Western countries. The two policies are among the reasons that
     the United States gives for refusing economic aid to Ethiopia,
     as distinct from humanitarian aid.

     This year, the Swedish Government's aid agency, the Swedish
     International Development Agency, traditionally one of the most
     generous donors to Ethiopia, withdrew its support of a major
     agricultural project in Arsi Province because it concluded ''the
     actual purpose of villagization was political.''

     A 'Frightening' Development

     President Mengistu himself acknowledged in an address to the
     congress of the Workers Party of Ethiopia last November that his

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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