[fa.info-vax] set terminal/notypeahead

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/02/85)

From: Kevin Carosso <engvax!KVC@cit-vax>

One note on this discussion...  There seems to be a little confusion...

If you set the terminal's permanent characteristics. e.g.


and then reenable type-ahead from your application, with SET TERM/TYPEAHEAD
or with a QIO set mode, you don't have to worry about resetting the
characteristic.   The driver automatically copies the permanent
characteristics to the current characteristics at the last $DASSIGN of
the device.  In other words, when your application exits, the terminal
characteristics will reset to the permanent ones.  This applies, naturally,
to settings other than type-ahead.

	/Kevin Carosso           engvax!kvc @ CIT-VAX.ARPA
	 Hughes Aircraft Co.