unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/19/89)


     Posting Date: 09/18/89      Source: UNITEX Network, Hoboken, NJ, USA
     Host: (201) 795-0733          ISSN: 1043-7932

     Following is the text of the statement by Secretary-General
     Javier Perez de Cuellar, delivered this morning to the United
     Nations staff, in observance of "Staff Day":

     Since we gathered for Staff Day last year, our hopes that the
     United Nations would again assume an important role in the
     pursuit of international peace and security have been realized.
     The Organization is now at the forefront of international
     efforts in a variety of areas.  This has been widely recognized,
     not least in the granting of the Nobel Peace Prize to our
     peace-keeping forces.  Yet we, the staff of the United Nations,
     who are in this great enterprise together, know better than
     anyone else what it has meant for the Organization and what it
     has meant for our lives.

     On the one hand, it has renewed our sense of mission and
     commitment, our realization that we are doing something
     important and, indeed, vital for the world.

     On the other hand, it has placed on us heavy new demands and
     greatly increased our workload, at a time when resources have
     been stretched to the utmost.  There are empty desks in many
     offices and working hours are longer, as colleagues have gone on
     missions and the workload has had to be distributed among all of
     us who have remained behind.

     I am proud of the way the staff as a whole has met this
     challenge.  It is largely as a result of your magnificent
     performance that the Organization has been able to fulfil the
     heavy demands that have been made on it.  I wish to take this
     opportunity to express my profound appreciation and gratitude to
     all of you here and to all our colleagues in United Nations duty
     stations far and wide.

     Let me now focus on two issues which I know are vitally important
     for all of us:  safety and security of staff and conditions of

     As you know, one of my major preoccupations is that of respect
     for the privileges and immunities of the international civil
     service.  At a time when

     the Organization is being called upon to undertake greater
     responsibilities in various parts of the world, it is imperative
     that we, as international civil servants, are able to perform
     our duties with a full assurance that our legal and human
     rights, as well as those of the Organization, will be fully
     respected.  The dedication and impartiality of all staff members
     is without question, and it is intolerable to me that some of
     our colleagues remain under arrest or detention or, far worse,
     have died while in captivity.  Here I recall with deep sorrow
     our former colleague, Lt. Col. William Higgins.  You may be sure
     that, in my capacity as Secretary-General of this noble
     Organization, I shall do everything in my power to resolve all
     instances of injustice to staff members.  I will also urge
     Member States to extend to staff members not only the protection
     which they need, but also the treatment to which they are
     entitled by virtue of being international civil servants.

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

Patt Haring                | United Nations    | FAX: 212-787-1726
patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu    | Information       | BBS: 201-795-0733
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          -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-