[misc.headlines.unitex] Gorbachev's Internal Problems Deepen

unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/19/89)

Gorbachev's Internal Problems Deepen (ABC story)

     Posting Date: 09/18/89      Source: UNITEX Network, Hoboken, NJ, USA
     Host: (201) 795-0733          ISSN: 1043-7932

     ABC News

     Jim Laurie                   Moscow, USSR

     Soviet leader Gorbachev has been meeting with political leaders
     in the Baltic republics, who have been demanding greater
     political and economic freedom.  This meeting is another example
     of how Gorbachev must bring his personal influence to bear to
     solve the many problems facing his government.  However, there
     is a question about how long he will have influence.  A Soviet
     rock video sings about a nation coming apart.  Such feelings are
     widespread, with talk in the press of the possibility of
     Gorbachev losing power.  On September 9, GORBACHEV said there
     are threats of impending chaos, even civil war because someone
     wants to create an atmosphere of hopelessness and insecurity.
     The reports of ethnic unrest are a daily occurrence, with
     nationalist movements active in more than 6 regions.  Old line
     Communist conservatives have called for tougher action against
     nationalist movements.  With a worsening economy and rations on
     everything, people are fed up.  On the streets, people say
     Gorbachev speaks pretty words and makes promises they don't
     believe.  Gorbachev has tried to take a middle course in
     overhauling the economy, with more free enterprise and less
     central planning, but it hasn't made a difference to consumers.
     Conservatives want Gorbachev to return to old Communist methods,
     and others urge him to be more radical.  Gorbachev says he'd
     rather resign than go back to the old ways, but warns of hard
     times ahead.  It's unlikely Gorbachev's opponents will try to
     remove him now, even if they could.  Soviet editor VITALY
     KOROTICH says they understand that if they overthrow him,
     they'll have the same problems.

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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